"Kim Potential..." Part XCIV...

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Kim Potential...

Summary: A desperate Dr. Drakken has sensibly reviewed his Files of Past Plots to find the most effective weapon yet used on KP and improve it with unexpected results. Ron and company find they have a new partner.

Disclaimer: No infringement intended.

Part XCIV...

North Korea...The Potemkin city set up to allow Colonel Lindendon his nostalgic moment...

Shego, in the old 50s?-style open car beside the beaming Lindendon who was continuing to wave to the nervously cheering crowd, eyeing the stand ahead, on which stood a number of uniformed figures, including one rather grim-looking butterball of a fellow in black (What, pyjamas? Shego thought, with grin) with bad weed-wacker style haircut who was clearly eyeing her specifically.

My ole pal the male Kimmy, she thought. And looking so glad to see me...

One very nervous fellow in dark suit with rather elaborate epaulettes stepping forward from the platform down its stairs to greet the car which stopped before him.

"Hello, our great hero, the Colonel Lindendon!" he cried, turning to the now silent crowd awaiting its next cue.

"Hur...Rah..." the crowd responded. "Lin..den...don! Lin...Den...Don! Hoo...Ray!"

Lindendon standing now in the car, nodding benignly. "I thank you...For your marvelous welcome, my friends."

Whom I will shortly massacre...Shego thought, remaining seated.

"Mrs. Draken? After you..." Lindendon turned to her.

Lovely...She sighed but rose and got out of the car on her side, an honor guard in uniforms clearly new made for the occasion and somewhat ill-fitting snapping to attention as she stepped out. Lindendon following her, return saluting the senior office of the guard, who stepped forward.

Hilarious...Shego shook her head silently...

Still, to be fair, Drew would eat this sort of thing up...

"Please to let me escort you and our great hero to the Great Leader, Mrs. Drakken." The officer nodded, a nervous smile.

"Always a pleasure, friend." Shego, slight smile. "Colonel?" she offered an arm.

May as well do this right, she grinned at his rather wry look...He taking...

After all...You wanna be my son-in-law, you escort me like a good so-and-so...

"Kimmer? How's things?" she addressed the waiting Great Leader as they moved up the stairs.

Hey, I may be cornered and have about 10000 guns ready to point at me, along with a freak of science who could kill me long before the bullets flew, but no need to let the little sob butterball pint-sized Stalin think I'm down.

After all, my little girl is coming...Can't let her be embarrassed thinking Evil Steppy lost her nerve in the face of a few overarmed goons.

"Colonel...Welcome home." Kim Jong-un nodded to Lindendon, raising hand in greeting.

"Great Leader." Lindendon, casually...His tone just respectful enough. "May I present my 'traveling companion', the wife of my partner, Dr. Drakken...Mrs. Sheila Drakken."

"Hello...She...Go." Kim glared.

Ohhh, he's still pissed at me...Welll...

Next time, keep your criminal deals and don't get fresh and all "I'll have you fed to my dogs if you don't sleep with me" and I won't make fun of your stupid haircut while telling your wife...On You Tube, worldwide...

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