"Kim Potential..." Part LXI...

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Kim Potential...

Summary: A desperate Dr. Drakken has sensibly reviewed his Files of Past Plots to find the most effective weapon yet used on KP and improve it with unexpected results. Ron and company find they have a new partner.

Disclaimer: No infringement intended.

Part LXI...

"My..." Dementor...Rather nonplused. Staring at the mutely pleading face before him on screen.

"Drakken?" Avairius stared at him.

"She's fine...Absolutely fine. We can thaw her out any time." Drakken, nervous under a note of pompous triumph. "In fact..." he tried to recover his confident tone... "I have plans for her."

"Indeed..." Lindendon eyed the image of Kim Possible, frozen. "Seems a fine way to retain such valuable genetic material."

Hearing a Nazi traitor's praises makes me feel so much better...About blowing your heads off...Drakken thought.

Forgive me, little girl...He silently sighed to the image. I was a spoiled child, playing a game...Before I became...A father...Have mercy on my poor daughter, please.

"Well, enough of Ms. Possible..." he nodded to Barclay at the main console who rather eagerly closed the image to the tank. Now safely away, thank God and the Boss, he thought.

"Now as to our plans...Gentlemen..." he waved the others to seats. Barclay, sidelong glance...Catching the "stand by" look from Drakken.

Just need confirmation from the missus that our little girl and her beau are safely away...And a few minutes for our people to vamoose...

"Yes...But....?" Lindendon looked about... "Where are our guests of honor? Surely our new Miss Possible should at least be on hand to hear..."

"I'd felt it best we discuss things while they're occupied elsewhere..." Drakken, hastily. "Her position as Kim Possible is still potentially useful even if her young friend has his doubts."

"Of course...But...I...Did have something to discuss with you both."

Is he...Embarassed? Avairius eyed Lindendon shifting in his chair as Dementor stared at him as well...Naturally a specially reinforced one...

Of course he is...Of course...It's only natural...

He's been nerving himself to speak to "Dad" about offering his rather gargantuan hand...

UN HQ...

"So you're telling us that Drakken is going to destroy the Throwback..." Hego eyed "Ms. Rothsweig" who smiled.

"That's the plan, gentlemen and ladies..."

"Destroy him?" Dr. Mrs. Possible stared... "But..." she looked to Dr. Mr. Possible...

"Why would Dr. Drakken wish to do such a thing?" Sinclair, coolly. "Surely their rivalry is not so great as his desire to defeat us? You understand I'm asking why we should believe you, Miss Rothsweig?"

"Of course, Mr. Secretary General..." nod. "The answer's simple...He wishes to save his daughter and offers this defeat of the Throwback as a pledge of good faith."


Basement of Drakken mansion lair...

"And here we have our power supply and storage facilities..." Sally cheerily pointed.

"Shego...?" Potential hissed, having dropped back from Ron by slowing her pace...Her synthodroid guard still maintaining careful watch... "What's up here? Why are we...?"

Clamming up as Ron paused and looked back for her...

"Are we going to join the Doc and the other maniacs or no?" she asked, in normal voice, sarcastically.

"Soon enough...Just lets keep it moving. And you could pay a little attention, we're being gracious here." Shego frowned.

"If this is all for me..." Ron sighed.

Potential perking up...

If? IF? Hah! I'll take that "if" and run with it...Potential thought, eagerly. Looks like it's time for Kim Possible to prove herself fully Kimmy.

And if she finally deals once and for all with her greatest foe's sidekick, well...

Whanging her synthodroid guard's foot into an exposed pipe end.

"Miss She...!" the droid, collapsing as its synthogel matrix oozed out...

"Ron!" Potential, twisting to the right...

Oh, Goddamn it, girl!...Shego, raging...Just when we nearly had you both safely out the door?

"Possible!" she shrieked as Sally and the synthodroid with Ron as well as the one remaining with her stared. Potential having rushed into the dark corners of the storeroom. "Get out here, now!...Now, Kimberly! Wait here!" she called to the others, moving into the back area...

"Kim! We have Ron! I'll have him hurt if you don't come out right now! Yikes!" she ducked as an oil drum came crashing her way from atop a large furnace.

Damn old place...I told Drew we should've switched to gas or electric...She dodging and racing to the rear. Hmmn...Nothing...

"Kim..." she hissed, proceding cautiously... "Stop it, right now. We have to get you and Ronald out..."

Whoa...She stared as a group of equipment-loaded crates came down from a rack...Potential revealed behind the last.

"Kimberly?! It's not safe up there!" she called.

Way to stage my escape, Mom...Potential frowned in turn...

At least get off a few bursts...I'm sure willing to inflict a little harm.

Whoops! "Hey!" she cried as the rack came loose, she falling...

"Kim!..." Shego, racing to her...Barely catching, both whamming to the floor...

Ron, Sally, the synthodroids cautiously coming to the front of the row of the storage area where they'd fallen... "Ma'am?" Sally calling, cautiously. "Miss Possible?"

"Shego!...What the hell are you doing?" Potential hissed to her. "Aren't we supposed to be making a break?" switching to loud cry... "Get off, me! And tell them to let Ron go!"

"Not till we get you out the door, idiot!" hiss back. "We've gotta hurry, there's no time...All right, Possible!" equally loud cry. "It's over! Lets go back!"

"What? Why?" Potential whispered as Shego, groaning a bit, stood. Offering a hand...

Oh my God...She looked at Shego's clouded face...More than physical pain registering there...

"Shego?! What are you two doing?! Daddy?! No!" she screamed... "NO!" Breaking from Shego and racing back...

"DADDY!" her wild cry...Shoving past a synthodroid and the anxious Sally...Ron staring after her, shocked...

"Get him out of here, now!" Shego pointed...Hurrying after Potential a moment later...

"Kimberly! Stop! Stop!" racing after her back down the basement corridor to the nearest stairwell...

"Uh...Mr. Stoppable? End of our tour..." Sally noted, nervously. "Please come along outside..."

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