"Kim Potential..." Part LXIII...

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Kim Potential...

Summary: A desperate Dr. Drakken has sensibly reviewed his Files of Past Plots to find the most effective weapon yet used on KP and improve it with unexpected results. Ron and company find they have a new partner.

Disclaimer: No infringement intended.

Part LXXIII...

"Lost Island" platform control room...

Lindendon, Bortel, Avairius, all seated watching Potential, in special chair with gel wrap from the clinic...She with electrode covered helmet strapped on, talking while watching a rather stunned Ron Stoppable on monitor...

"Remarkable work, Professor..." Lindendon noted... "She is really operating the android from here?"

"Ja...Und on an undetectable wavelength...She's receiving and transmitting direct sensory feed and operational commands...A system I developed years ago for times when I wished to keep a Bortel in the office while Dementor had to be busy elsewhere."

"I see..." appreciative nod. "No wonder your other career was so well-concealed for so long..." smile. Slight, apologetic shrug... "I regret you had to be exposed for my sake, Professor."

"Inevitable, my dear Colonel...I would have been found out eventually...Ms. Possible had her doubts about me I'm sure." Bortel noted.

"She's upset...Is that good for her...?" Avairius, a bit concerned as Potential's sobs could be heard...Stopping almost immediately...

All three eyed her...

Wendy in her henchthug suit, watching from next to Potential's lounger, repressing a stunned amusement...

The Three Fairy Godfathers...Protecting their girl?

Drakken and Shego...Now our guys?...What has this kid got? Faint shake of head...

Possible's heart, I guess...And yet...Involuntary shudder...

She could betray them all without hesitation...I heard her with Alan...

But listen to her talk to that boyfriend of hers...She's so in love...My God...

Whatever you've created here, Dr. Drakken...It's as terrifying as it is beautiful...

"Ron..." Potential chuckled... "Guess you weren't expectin' to hear from me again, huh? You are ok, right? Nothing broken?"

"I'm fine...Kim...Is that really you?" Ron eyeing screen.

"Think of it as just a transmitter, kiddo..." she beamed. "I'm so glad you're ok...I knew you were alive, I knew I'd know if you weren't but...Are you with the UN boys? Is that Hego with you? Hey!"

"I'm with them..." Ron nodded.

"Searchin' for me and co, eh?" grin, matched on the Bortel droid. "Or is it someone else you're huntin'?" careful stare.

"You have to give this up, Kim...You and Drakken and the others..." Ron, insistent... "I don't want to see you hurt."

"Too late, lover..." she sighed. "I took some collateral damage getting out of Dad's place...But, not so bad...Still kickin'..." pause... "You wanta ask the question you wanta ask?" smile...Copied on the droid's face.

"When did you go bald?" he asked.

"Ha, ha...Ron!" she laughed... "Thanks... But don't make me laugh too hard...I'm still regenerating the facial muscles..."

"I'm sorry you were hurt, Kim." He replied. Pause..."Kim...Will you tell me?"

"I'm not sure...I mean both ways..." she hastily added. "Dad and I aren't together now...He blew the place deliberately to take out the Colonel and his partners. I got word a bit too late. I can't really say where she is...Except that she's also right here, Ron." Mock innocent blink but a pleading in the light tone...

Kim PotentialHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin