Only now, sitting opposite Joonmyeon and realizing that he was more of a good friend to her than a boyfriend, she felt really bad. She felt confused. Her heart ached whenever he looked at her with a big smile on his face and she could not help but smile back.

Joohyun had to tell him the truth. She knew. She wanted to do that at the right time. She can't be egotistical and have everyone to herself.

'I'll tell him. The sooner the better,' she sighed looking ahead at the male, frustrated by herself. Now, all she got to do was to gain some courage and confidence before confessing her true feelings to him.

Baekhyun let out a big sigh, looking out of his car window and staring at the apartment complex. He came about twenty minutes ago. Pulling off at the parking, he saw a man with a lot of shopping bags and flowers in his hands, hurriedly making his way to the entrance.

Baekhyun recognized Joonmyeon from two things. First thing was the way of him walking and the second - his fancy car. And to add to that, that was a newer car than the one he had last seen Joonmyeon driving. It was easy to identify him because of the only expensive vehicle that was here. Rich people really have different aura. "Why does he have to be so rich?" Baekhyun laughed to himself but there was no humor in his voice.

Sighing to himself, he decided not to intrude in the couple's matters and leave them alone for some time. The reason of him being there was that he has read the message that Joohyun had sent him. Thinking a lot about whether to go or not to go, he finally inferred to visit his friend, and... maybe... tell her about all the feelings that he had felt before this day for her. Baekhyun wanted to get over with it when he had a chance. Only if he saw a chance.

However, this situation turning up before him, meant that he really shouldn't go there. It was a signal for Baekhyun to back off. He leaned back in his seat, sighing helplessly.

"I should just forget about her," Baekhyun chuckled at himself without humor, "but then... It's unfair for me."

He sat there staring at the wheeling, "no... I think I am being selfish. That's not right. She has a boyfriend whom she is happy with... I can't ruin that..." Baekhyun started the engine.

"Right, Baekhyun... its time to let her go already..."Peering his eyes at the entrance again, he pulled out from the underground parking lot.

Days passed by but Joohyun couldn't get a chance to see her best friend. He wasn't seen in the hallways and didn't come to her side of the building after classes ended as always. Neither was he answering her calls or messages.

Joohyun concluded that he was avoiding her or something happened to him. But his friends said that nothing has changed, and Baekhyun was coming to classes as usual. 'Strange'

After classes ended she went home to get ready for the party in the evening. She felt worn out after dancing and wouldn't have gone, but since Joonmyeon practically pleaded she didn't have any other choice than to agree.

Speaking of which, she didn't bring up the 'break up' topic yet. And it was set aside for the time being.

That evening Joonmyeon tried get near to kiss her, but she changed what we could call the romantic mood to something else, saying that she wanted them to play some computer games. She still let him kind of lean on her the whole evening. Joonmyeon kept it off cool saying that he didn't know that she could play. And she played since the high school.

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