Next was Harry and after him would be me! I still couldn't wait to see Harry's biggest fear. He stood there looking excited for a moment until the boggart transformed. I had not known what it was the first time I lay eyes on it. It was terrifying, and the whole room seemed to have gotten darker. The boggart was a hooded figure with large claws and hardly contained a face. It also floated in mid-air. I felt myself and the air around me become completely frigid. Everything felt empty and it was as if I would never be happy again. The figure kept gliding closer, closer, and closer. I couldn't move. I tried to speak or even scream but I was submerged deep in freezing water. Everything was cold. The world kept spinning and spinning aggressively. My mind began to replay tragic moments in my life.

"Voldemort could really use a girl of your sort."

"Never! Not in a million years!"

There were even voices.

"Don't disappoint me, Holly. Alas, Voldemort will be the one you serve."

It was just a boggart, so why would this strange creature affect me this drastically? All I remembered after that was when I felt myself fall into someone's arms. My vision was so blurred, however, that I couldn't make out who it was. Finally, I fainted.

I woke up later on in the Hospital Wing. Gathered around my bed were Harry, Hermione, and Professor Lupin.

"What happened?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Harry's boggart must have gotten to you. It was, of course, a dementor," replied Professor Lupin.

"I could have sworn I just died back there. Wait? That was a dementor!"

"Indeed it was," replied the professor, handing me a piece of chocolate," It wasn't a real dementor obviously, but this will still help."

I took the chocolate offered to me, then he left the three of us to ourselves.

"How long was I passed out exactly?"

"Not too long," said Harry," Look I'm sorry I didn't intend-"

"Don't be! It wasn't your fault."

''How do you feel?" asked Hermione.

"Not bad at all."

As I sat up in my hospital bed, I thought about everything. From the emptiness to the freezing atmosphere, I remembered it all. It all seemed to have happened too quick but I could never forget that feeling. I couldn't imagine what the real dementor would feel like. But even when it was gone, I could still hear the voices as clear as day. I did my best to push the memory aside.

"Did you guys see who caught me when I fainted?"

No one answered right away. Instead Hermione turned to Harry as if waiting for an answer from him. There was a brief moment before anyone spoke.

"It was me."

That was totally unexpected. Harry was the one who caught me? I mean he was right there when I fainted so I supposed it made sense.

I simply replied with, "Thank you."

I smiled and Harry wore his usual awkward smile.

"We'll be going now," said Hermione, " Hope you get to feeling better. Also-," she leaned in closer to where no one else could hear," I believe someone is waiting at the door for us to leave."

Well that was sort of awkward. Still though, Harry caught me. Just the thought of it made me blush. Wait no! What am I saying! Right when the two were exiting, Draco comes walking in. Hermione was right.

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