Gone (Yuzu x Mei)

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Re-posting this from my other one shot book. I'll be doing this with all my Yuzu x Mei oneshots.



▪Mei's POV▪

I stared intently at my unlocked phone. It was displaying a photo of me and Yuzu, she was smiling as I pressed a kiss to her cheek. She'd begged me for hours for this picture. I was reluctant but it's my favourite photo of us.

It was actually the last photo we took together before I left. I regret it so much. Even more now.

I killed her. It's my fault. If I had just told grandfather. Explained everything, she'd still be here.

The images of her body were permanently burned into my memory. Her wrists bloody, angry red lines carved in every direction. Her skin pale, her eyes had dark bags underneath them and were rimmed red, a few stray tears tracked her cheeks. She looked like she hadn't eaten in weeks.

I'd gone back to apologise. After months of missing her, I finally snapped and told grandfather I couldn't go through with the wedding. I wanted to try and win her back.

Himeko had kept me updated with how she was doing. When she'd told me Yuzu looked paler, I assumed Yuzu just wasn't sleeping or something. I never thought......oh god.

I shouldn't have left. I hurt her. I broke her. She was my everything and I destroyed her. I'd hoped Harumin would've been enough for her but.....I guess not.

I'm so sorry Yuzu....

I moved from my spot on the bed, unwrapping the blanket from around myself, silently approaching her wardrobe. I wiped my tear stained cheeks as I opened the doors. I took out one of her hoodies, slipping it on and putting up the hood, wrapping my arms around myself tightly.

It still smells like her.....

Closing the doors, I turned my back to the wardrobe, sliding down to the floor.

Curling into a ball, I cried. This is all I ever do anymore. I haven't left our.......my room, since mother and I returned from the hospital the night I found her. I think it's been around two weeks.

Mother brings food in everyday and sometimes Himeko, Matsuri and Harumin come over to check on me.

I don't deserve them. I'm the reason Yuzu's gone. If I didn't leave then she'd still be here. I'd still be able to hold her. Kiss her.

I don't want to live with out her.

I slowly get up from my place on the floor, standing on shaky legs I make my way to Yuzu's side of the bed. Opening the drawer on her bedside table, I find a bottle of pills.

I stare at the bottle for a few moments before slamming the drawer shut.

What am I thinking? I can't hurt mother like that, she's already lost Yuzu, she'd never cope if she lost both of us.

But it's so tempting. I'd get to be with her.

Fuck it.

I hurriedly open the drawer, snatching up the bottle. With trembling hands I unscrewed the cap.

The bedroom door opened and I jumped, dropping the bottle. The contents spilling onto the floor.

"What the fuck were you thinking?!" Harumin ran across the room, pulling my trembling figure away from the drawer. Wrapping her arm around my waist she led me into the living room sitting me on the sofa.

"MeiMei!" I felt Himeko wrap her arms around me in a tight hug.

"What happened?" I glanced to the side, Matsuri was sat beside me, a look of concern on her face.

"She was going to overdose..." Harumin's eyes looked glassy.

"I....I just w-want to be with h-her again...." I sobbed, clinging to Himeko.

This wasn't normal for me. I'd never let them see me this vulnerable but....I can't hide this anymore.

I felt four more arms wrap around my body.

"She wouldn't want that and you know it." Harumin tightened her grip on me.

"Please don't try that again." Matsuri rested her chin on my head.

"We can't lose you too." Himeko buried her face in my chest.

"I'm so sorry....." I squeezed my eyes shut, tears streaming down my face.

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