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In hindsight, it was probably the stupidest thing she could have said at the time. Spencer was never going to let her live this down. But at the same time, it had been a few years since she'd last awoken in a hospital bed and she was out of practice in gracefully waking up from a surgery. So, really could anyone blame her when she cracked her eyes open slowly, looked at the two men discussing something serious in her room, and said:

"Wait. Did I get shot?"

Morgan smirked. He was standing by the door, watching her try to blink away the massive headache she had. Spencer, who was facing him before she'd said anything, turned so fast she was pretty sure she could hear a whistling sound.

"Yes, you got shot!" he shouted, his expression a mix of rage and tears. He rushed up to her right side. "What the hell, Lydia?! Running to a bomb? Taking off your vest and gun?! Are you crazy?"

She was barely able to register his anger or relief. She was, frankly, worried about falling asleep again as he spoke to her. "Hold on. That hurts. I don't actually... I can't really remember..."

"Reid has been really worried about you," Morgan said calmly and approached the opposite side of her bed.

"Morgan." She smiled through her crumbling, shot voice. "You didn't blow up."

"No, kiddo. But I regret taking your vest from you. Looks like you could have used it more than me."

"I don't regret giving it to you," she reassured him. "If I'd been wearing it, he probably would have shot me in the face instead."

"It was reckless, Lydia," Spencer continued. "Do you know how scared I was when I realized you had run down to the basement? Hotch and Rossi had to hold me back from running down there myself. And then, to hear Emily screaming my name. I knew something had happened. It was the most terrif-"

He stopped, suddenly, as Lydia's hand landed on top of his own.

"Love, I'm so tired. Why don't we save this argument for when I can yell at you, too, okay?"

And just like that, Spencer's face softened and he leaned down, planting a kiss on her forehead. "Okay. Get some rest. I'll plan my arguments for later."

"No amount of planning will save you from the wrath of Lydia," she mumbled, already half asleep. "I always win..."

She shut her eyes, her head falling to the side, but right before she succumbed to darkness once more, she faintly heard Morgan's voice float over her head.

"I don't care how angry you are. You picked a good one, Spencer. No argument is worth losing her."

~ ~ ~

"I can't imagine how empty the jet feels," Lydia said as she strapped herself into the passenger seat of the SUV and Spencer pulled out of the hospital parking lot.

The explosion had messed up Hotch's ears pretty bad. The doctors didn't want him flying for a little while, because the pressure could be bad for his eardrums. So Morgan had agreed to drive him back to Quantico. And Spencer had agreed to take her.

She'd been hit in the lower left side of her abdomen. In all honesty, she was extremely lucky. The bullet had hit basically nothing but muscle and fat. But not being able to so much as lean forward was starting to be a real pain in the ass.

"Alright. So, what happened to that argument we were going to have?"

"You want to start off a three hour car ride with a fight?" he asked. "What if it's really bad and you can't stand to be near me?"

"Spence, I'd be shocked if you were able to say something to me that would make me not want to be near you."

"And why is that?"

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