Chapter 1 - London has an intriguing arrival

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Despite her best efforts, Miss Diana Ashbrooke had been unable to fall asleep on the long drive to London. Her mother had had no such difficulties, and the monotonous rhythm of the horses hooves hitting the ground had been accompanied by Lady Ashbrooke's gentle snoring. Diana wondered at her mother's ability to be so relaxed as the carriage jerked and lurched beneath them. Then again, the Lady had none of her daughters anxieties upon reaching their destination.

Maria had greeted them at the door, in a whirl of activity as footmen and servants ran back and forth collecting their bags. A baby, barely visible through the many soft white blankets it had been wrapped in, lay squalling in her arms. It was quickly handed of to her lady's maid, as Maria ran down the steps to her mother and sister.

"Mama! Diana!" She embraced them both tightly. "Oh it feels like an age since I saw you last"

Lady Ashbrooke slipped her arm tightly through her eldest daughter's, beaming as she took in the pack of servants, the elegant exterior of the London home, and the perfect young baby being nursed in the maid's arms. Yes, Maria had been a great success. She cast a look back towards Diana, who had bent down to attend to an untied boot lace. Lady Ashbrooke sighed, fearing that her second daughter may be far more difficult to contend with.

"My dear, it is a different age entirely. Life passes far differently when one is married." Maria smiled at her mother's knowing remark. "Diana do make haste! I must give you a tour of the room."

Diana sighed and made her way up the steps, taking them two at a time in a way that she knew irked her mother to no end. Life had been idyllic before Maria had married well. Though she was a year past the acceptable age for young ladies to enter society, her mother had insisted that Diana could not be out until Maria had been wed. The young Ashbrooke ladies were gloriously attractive, but poor, and though they were admired from a far, they had little to tempt an offer of marriage. Diana had been allowed to do as she pleased, while Maria had been escorted from ball to ball by their tenacious mother, smiling and simpering until, by some heavenly chance, she had caught the eye of Baron Stafford.

Baron Stafford was not a young man, nor a handsome one. Yet in the eyes of her mother, and sister for that matter, his wealth more than made up for it. And, unfortunately for Diana and her liberty, in her mother's ecstatic opinion, where one advantageous marriage went, others would follow. And so here she was. Dragged to London in time for the new season, bringing with it the most wealthy and connected members of the ton.

"Diana?" She turned to her sister in her sister in confusion, who seemed to have asked her a question. "I asked whether you were excited to attend your first ball tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? But that is so soon, surely we need time to settle in to the London way of life first mama? And besides, I have no suitable gown." She looked pleadingly at her mother, hoping that she would listen to the pleas of fashion if not her own.

"Don't be silly Diana, you shall have plenty of time to rest this evening." It took little for Diana to exasperate her mother. "And you needn't concern yourself with your gown, Maria has already sent your measurements to her preferred modiste and commissioned a series of dresses for you."

Of course, it was too much to ask to choose her clothing herself. If she could not be afforded the choice of her husband, why should that luxury be extended to any other part of her life?

Diana need not have worried about drawing attention to herself at the Ratcliff's ball. While under normal circumstances her soft grey gown, trimmed with delicate beading, and bright eyes may have attracted some admiring glances, the ton were abuzz with the newest piece of scintillating gossip. The new Earl of Montgomery had returned from the continent.

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