Author's Note

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Hey It's Vicky! thanks for stumbling upon my book! This is my first attempt of writing a short with my own idea and if you find this interesting, make sure to check out my other works, I'm sure you wouldn't be disappiointed.

The origin of this story is quite a funny one. It originated from my English Class when my teacher gave us a kind of project to write on the proverb 'Pride Goes Before A Fall' .

I was really reluctant and lazy to do it at first, but when I started, I ended up writing a thousand plus words instead of just 450 ( I hope she doesn't deduct marks)

I really enjoyed writing the story but had to shorten it since I was already overboard.
Then the idea to write it as a short story emerged from the pain of having to cut out so many scenes!
And here I am teehee!

Anyways enjoy reading and please tell me thoughts.

Get your tissues ready, this might be a tearjerker for some!

Cover credit to: unicornxlips

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