Closer than you thought

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-How do you know me ? What do you want from me ??(ask Kimberly)
-I want to make you suffer Kimberly nothing else. You're in my black list (said the killer)
-But why ? What did i do to you ?(said Kimberly)
-Lol nothing ,i just want to make you harm that's all and you're wondering how do i know you, that's simple let me give you a clue to find me , i'm  closer than you thought i was and after killing all your friends it will remains just you and me and i'll kill you too , bye (said the killer).

After that call Kimberly called immediately Bryan who were at the office of his father.

-Allo my love (said Kimberly)
-Allo bae What's up?(said Bryan)
-The killer...he just called me(said Kimberly)
-Really ? How did he get your number ? (Said Bryan)
-I don't know how my love he maybe stalk me but don't tell your dad for now please (said Kimberly)
-Why ? We should tell him we don't know what that bastard can do to you (said Bryan)
-He told me that he's closer than i thought. I admit that it scared me a lot (said Kimberly)
-Don't worry about that honey i won't let anyone do any harm to you. And when i'll hang up i'll tell my dad about that. Maybe that'll help them into the investigation (said Bryan)
-Yes maybe honey so take care of you please (said Kimberly)
-No worries i will and do the same too kiss (said Bryan)

After hanging up,  Mme Cooper (the mom of Kimberly ) arrive at home
-Good afternoon  mom (said Kimberly)
-Good afternoon Kimberly ,i've heard the news , how are you my daughter ? Are you wounded ?(ask mrs Cooper)
-Oh no mom i'm safe but i still don't know how that killer knows me and why he is so mad at me (said Kimberly)
-I'm too scared Kimberly i don't want anyone to do harm to you , the president of the university have cancelled the exams as i've heard so get rest and relax a little my daughter(said mrs Cooper)
-I'll try mom, and that bastard just called me(said Kimberly)
-Oh seriously ??(said mrs Cooper)
-Yes he did ,he say he want to do harm to me(said Kimberly)
-Please my daughter don't leave the house from now please.(said Mrs Cooper)
-But you can't grounded me for that mom i'm  an aldult now and i'm not afraid of him. Trust me mom it's okay (Said Kimberly)
-Okay my daughter but please beware (Said mrs Cooper)
-I will mom don't worry (Said Kimberly)

Few days later a dead body was found in the bottom of a river near of Osler park. After some bones analyzes , scientist police announce that the blood found into the amphitheater glass belongs to this body. The chief of police ordered a meet

-Gentlemen good work for finding the remaining piece of puzzle. We finally identified the body from which came that blood. But our mission is not over yet , we have to find out the killer and relieve our town from the fear (said the commissar)
-I got an idea my commissar (said Mr mulligan )
-I listen inspector(said the commissar)
-We know that this killer know the young Kimberly and maybe stalk her so by her we could find out him.
-Great idea but how doing that?(ask the commissar)
-By asking Kimberly to tell us everything every details ,and at each time he'll call her (said mr Mulligan)
-Yes and also to tell us her spot when she talk to him cause  we're sure he stalk her and by that we could send our agents there to try to find him (said inspector Reagan)
- That's really great idea gentlemen let's do that (said  the commissar)

Days keep passing and students  still be at home waiting for the signal to go to the university again.

In a rainy night ,Mrs and Mr cooper invited Mr mulligan and Bryan for a dinner at home. Mrs Cooper cooked baked potatoes with chicken and it seems really tasty at first sight. While eating they were talking.

- Stephanie you cook truly well I enjoy (said mr Mulligan)
-Thanks it's really sweet I'm glad you and your child enjoy that (said mrs Cooper)
-How is the investigation going my friend ?(ask Mr cooper)
-We're getting by but I'm optimist and by the way as we sure that this killer stalk Kimberly ,we want her to tell us everytime he'll call her (said mr Mulligan)
-Okay mister Mulligan I will tell you( said Kimberly)
-I'm too worried by this situation and because of that our childrens are stuck at home and can't go to university(said mrs Cooper)
-No worries for that they'll go back and restart the exams the next week
-I'm worrying mostly for their safety(said mrs Cooper)
-Their safety will be ensured by our  agents who will be there around the university (said mr Mulligan)
-Oh I'm kinda relieved now.(said mrs Cooper)
-Dad we finished our plates Bryan and me. Can we go upstairs in my room and let you between parents ??(said Kimberly)
-Yes you can (said Mr cooper )

Once upstairs Bryan and Kimberly were talking.

-I enjoyed the baked potatoes of your mom (said Bryan)
-she could be a cook but she choose another job lol(said Kimberly)
-I want to kiss you my Kimberly(said Bryan)
-Me too so come(said Kimberly)

They start to kiss and cuddle each other passionately and stumble into the bed of  Kimberly. Any people could feel the wave of love the electric passion between them

Stayed tuned guys you won't regret

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