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Gerard woke up slowly on Christmas morning in a similar position as the previous day, with Frank on his chest, face tucked into the crook of his neck where he could feel Frank's soft snores on his skin. He wouldn't mind one bit if this became a daily recurrence. The events of the previous day ran through his head as his arms held Frank tighter, hands splayed across Frank's back. Gerard had been nervous about seeing Frank's mom, but with how well their visit ended up going, he felt a nudge of encouragement for tonight when he'll face the much larger and louder Iero extended family.

For the first time since starting the band, Gerard didn't want to go back on tour. He wanted to stay down here in the basement with Frank for forever because here he could love -. Love. He remembered saying 'I love you' the previous night, and he was certain he heard Frank say it back. Gerard thought over not just the last few days, but the last few years. He had always loved Frank, and had said so often enough (usually while drunk) before. But now he was aware he was deeply in love with him. Romantic, soulmate, wake-up-to-your-morning-breath and let's-grow-old-together kind of love.

Before he could fixate over the clarity of all the things that he (and hopefully Frank) wanted, he felt the pressure of Frank's lips connecting to his neck. Frank kissed a trail up to Gerard's jaw before he lifted his head up and their eyes met. Their conversation from the previous night about faith and light reverberated in Gerard's head as they looked at each other.

"Merry Christmas," Frank's scratchy morning voice greeted, face hovering just inches away.

It still wasn't close enough for Gerard, he moved one hand up to run its way through Frank's hair, so Gerard could reach in for a kiss, angling even closer until they were chest to chest, soulmarks pressed up together. When the kiss naturally paused for a breath, Gerard whispered back an airy, "Merry Christmas."

Frank smiled until a light brush of Gerard's tongue swiped against Frank's lips once again, their tongues tangled, slick and wet in a dance of give-and-take. After letting the kiss remain slow and exploratory for a few moments, Frank pushed against Gerard's chest as leverage to pull himself up and wrapped his legs around Gerard's waist, bringing their cocks together. Frank rolled his hips upward, forcing a strangled 'ahh' out of Gerard's mouth from the pressure, and the kiss became more urgent as their breathing labored. They kissed the whines and moans out of each other's throats as they moved together.

Gerard leaned away slightly, gasping for air, the sight of Frank with red lips and fucked up hair made another rush of heat and desire flow through him. It was almost perfect, but he wanted a better angle to be closer. He pulled up on Frank's shoulders, clutching for stability as he inched up the bed to sit up, back resting against the headboard. Finally in position, Gerard kept his hands around Frank's neck and thrust his hips up, making Frank's mouth fall open with a loud moan as their cocks pressed tighter against each other.

"God, Frank..." Gerard moaned. Their foreheads met, resting up against each other, eyes shut as they both were overwhelmed by the sensation. "Oh shit," he felt Frank's hand wrap around their cocks, squeezing them together and rubbing precum all over both of them.

Gerard's hips snapped up even harder after the added friction, "so good baby..." he praised. One of the hands he had wrapped around Frank's neck moved to squeeze Frank's bicep, encouraging him to keep his hand on their dicks. Gerard pulled Frank's bottom lip between his teeth and sucked, matching the same pressure that Frank's hand had wrapped around them below. He felt Frank's tongue brush up where he nibbled, and lightly scraped up against it.

Their kiss broke when Frank's head tipped back, he bit at his own bruised lip to keep the loud groans down in his throat. His right hand jacked them faster, adding to the pressure of their matching thrusts while his left hand dug deep into Gerard's hipbone. "Gee, oh -" he moaned.

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