Chapter 4

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Not me forgetting to put "to be continued" at the end of the last chapter and now probably people think that was the end :,)
I have no idea how to start this so just go with whatever I throw in there

Cakey POV

It was the next day and we wake up. Looks like hyper woke up before me and she's sitting over me like she was waiting for me to wake up "Cakey your finally awake!" Hyper says In excitement. Looks like she was waiting for me "yeah I'm awake for you sweetie" hyper blushes at the statement "mmm well what do you wanna do?" Hyper asks while still being flustered "hmmm maybe we can go on a walk together? It's really nice out today" I suggest "okie!" Hyper then grabs my hand "wah!" I gasp in surprise, she must be really excited to be with me

We were walking for a bit until we run into someone- well too people actually. It was novo and Chris and they were kissing. But I know hyper must be scared of novo since he was the one who ripped her jaw off. I then feel hyper go behind me and hug me "it's ok hyper I'll protect you" I say to comfort her "n-no I don't want you to get hurt too.." hyper says in a fearful tone and she was shaking a bit too "it's okay hyper I'm sure he won't rip off my jaw out where everyone could see so I'll be fine and you'll be fine" I reassure hyper. I'll protect her no matter what it takes because she's just so special to me "hmm? Oh hello cakey and hyper" Chris greets us. Looks like they noticed us "ah hello cakey and... hyper.." novo says and I can feel hyper's grip get tighter on me. I was about to throw hand at him until hyper whispered in my ear "don't tell him I told you... he might do something like tell everybody my secret..." after she said that I calmed down and just decided to act nice so he wouldn't bother us

"Oh uh hi! We saw you guys kissing and I was wondering if you guys were a couple now?" I ask out of pure curiosity "yes we are a couple" Chris says in his usual calm and firm tone "oh thats cool" I say trying to be nice even though I was talking to the guy that ripped off hyper's jaw "why isn't hyper saying anything? I think it would be nice for her to at least say hi" novo says "u-uh I think she's just a bit tired right now right hyper?" I try to defend hyper "y-yeah..." hyper says with a shaky voice "well we're gonna go now. Goodbye novo and Chris!" I run off with hyper while holding her hand

(Credit to the person who gave me the idea of "hyper and cakey go on a walk and run into novo and crispy" also I legit have no ideas so ima just add some fluff cause why not)

"I think we are safe here hyper" I can see that hyper is shaking and on the verge of crying "there there" I wipe her tears "t-thank you for protecting me.." she says with a shaky voice. I pull down her mask and give her a kiss "he's gone now you don't have to be afraid for now" i pat her head "do you want to go to your house?" Hyper nods so I grab her hand and walk to her house

We get to her house "you have a nice house hyper" I compliment her "thanks cakey you don't have to be so nice to me just because we ran into him" hyper says "no it's not that, I say it cause I genuinely think it" I reassure her "really?" Hyper says "yes, now-" I pick hyper up and put her on my shoulders "ah! Your tall" she says and I just giggle "do you have any cake?" I ask her "are you just gonna eat it all?" Hyper asks me "noooo! I'll share with you" okie fine maybe I do have cake" I take her cake and place her down on the seat and sat next to her "I'll feed you it" I say with a smile "you really don't have to-" I put the piece of cake in her mouth "mmm" she blushes "you didn't have to do that" she says while being flustered and I just do it again "your so cute hyper!" I pat her head.

After we eat cake I walk her to her room and place her on the bed "you can take your mask off you know since I already know.. plus you must not be able to breath that well with that mask anyway" I say with a comforting tone "sorry I'm just used to having this mask on all the time when I'm with people" she then takes off her mask. The scars look so painful I couldn't imagine what it must of felt like for her. I give her a hug out of pure guilt and give her a kiss on the cheek "mm! You keep giving me affection!" Hyper says while blushing a lot "of course sweetie it's because I love you!" I say "well I love you too!" Hyper says while really flustered

We talk for a while and then we start to get tired. I hear hyper yawn which is adorable "are you tired hyper? You should sleep if you are" I ask "yeah I'm tired but I don't wanna sleep" she answers "oh why not?" I ask "well I'll only sleep if you sleep with me" she blushes even more while saying that "well I'm getting pretty tired too so maybe we can sleep together?" I say "yay!" She then lays on my lap which makes me blush a bit. I play with her hair a bit "wow your hair is actually softer than I expected" I say "mm" hyper makes that cute noise again that she makes whenever she is flustered. She eventually falls asleep. I lay down and I gently put her on my chest and fall asleep with her..

To be continued....................................................................................

Total words: 1049
Ahhhhhhhhh I'm so sorry this chapter is so late and it's not even good this was such a waste of a chapter cause I literally had no idea what to do so I just put fluff cause everyone loves fluff right?????
I'm sorry it's so late I just got distracted by a lot of things and I had to think hard to even come up with the things that are in this chapter msndjjdjdjdjdjdjdjjsjsjdidi and I had to get to atleast 1000 words or it would feel like a waste of a chapter (I mean it already does) so sorry if I put some useless dialogue dkdjdhfjfnjfnfn
I promise the next chapter won't be as disappointing ;(

Those 3 lovely words (cakehurty/sweet tooth ship fanfiction) Ghost and palsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن