Chapter 2

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Hey I'm surprised I even decided to continue this I must really like this ship lmao

I forgot to mention the last chapter that you here's gonna be some side ships
Norman x charon
Kennith x arc (Don't ask)
Crispy/Christopher x trash dentist/novo (don't ask 2)

Anyways enjoy reading

Cakey POV

She was standing there repeating "I". Is she trying to say something?

"I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I-"

Then suddenly...

"Hey guys, what are you doing up so late" say comes in and interrupts us. This startled hyper and she squealed "eeek! Say what are you doing here?!" "I can ask the same to you guys" say asks "I just got up now and came down here to chill" I tell her not wanting to admit that I was eating her cake "w-well I'm gonna go now" hyper says before running back to the bedroom "no don't go please!" I would've said that out loud if say wasn't there "um actually I gotta go too" I ran into the bedroom where hyper was going "oh uh- ok!" Say said in confusion then she checked the fridge and saw the half eaten cake I left "of course" say sighed

I run into the bedroom but I didn't see hyper in her sleeping area. Where could she be? Then I suddenly heard some noises coming from the bathroom

Hyper POV

I take out another tooth.. I can feel the blood flowing down my mouth while tears roll down my face.. "I'm so foolish why did I think I could do it? And now I'm here pulling out more teeth like it's some sort of habit now... what am I doing?" Suddenly I hear a knock on the door "hello? Hyper are you in there??" I recognized that voice and I knew it was cakey. I start panicking and try to quickly clean the mess up "hello??? I know someone is in there!" I try to hurry myself after hearing cakey say that. Almost forgetting to put my maks back on I open the door "uhhh hey cakey!" I say nervously and anxious that she'll find out "oh your ok!" Cakey says before hugging me. I blush a little from cakey's warmth "mmm..." I mumble out of being flustered. Cakey then releases from the hug "what were you doing in there?" I started panicking at the question "u-uh nothing!" I mentally facepalm at how dumb that lie was "no you were doing something! You can talk to me about it... I'm just worried..."

"She's worried about me?? Does she really like me that way.. no.. she probably cares about everyone and worries for them so I'm no different..." "really it's nothing" I keep lying just wanting her to stop talking about it "well ok... but if you need anything I'm here for you ok?" Cakey says with a concerned tone and I blush a little "yeah..." I know that I'm not going to so I just go to my sleeping area and lie down trying to just sleep.

3rd POV

Cakey thinks that hyper has fallen asleep so she sits next to her and pats her while cuddling her.  Hyper gets flustered at this "c-cakey??" "Uwa! Sorry I thought you were asleep!-" Cakey says in a panic "no no! Keep doing it..." hyper says without thinking. This makes both of them blush so cakey continues to cuddle hyper. both of them are really flustered but in a good way "hyper... I love you.." Cakey mumbles under her breath "huh? What did you say?" Hyper asks "n-nothing!" Cakey says in a panic "Cakey... I..." hyper tries to confess again "yeah? You don't need to be scared you can tell me what's bothering you" Cakey tries to comfort hyper "I.. mm.." hyper starts crying "ehh? What happened??? What's wrong hyper?" Cakey asks starting to panic again "I-it's just I like you! And I'm scared you only see me as your classmate and whenever I try to confess I just can't..." hyper finally confesses which leaves cakey in shock yet happiness

Cakey POV

"What? She actually likes me.. but why me? I'm so imperfect why would somebody like her like someone like me..." "I-I like you too.. no... I LOVE you" I respond while blushing a lot. I try to go in for a kiss but then I remember she has a mask "oh c-can I.." I ask while pulling on her mask "s-sure she's pulls down her mask and I immediately kiss her. As soon as I break the kiss she immediately pulls up her mask. "Damn I couldn't even see what was under it cause it's so dark in here.." ive always wondered why she wears that mask but whenever I ask her she changed the subject so she probably just doesn't wanna talk about it..

After that we both cuddled eachother before hearing some noises "hey what's that?" Hyper asks me "I don't know- oh-" I tyen see arc and Kennith from across the room kissing eachother "i guess they are dating now" I whisper not wanting to disturb them "oh- I wasn't expecting them to date" hyper whispers back "oh um speaking of it do you wanna tell the others about our.. relationship..?" Hyper asks me "w-wha- were in a relationship?! You wanna be in a relationship with me-" I say in shock "uwa! Sorry! I should've asked you first!" Hyper yelled in a panic "shh! Your gonna make kennith and arc hear us!" I panicked aswell and unfortunately they heard us "hey is anyone awake?" Kennith asked in a annoyed tone. We just pretend to sleep to not get into anything and eventually they just leave the room

"W-well now that they are gone do you wanna be in a relationship with me..?" Hyper asks nervously "of course I do! I was just startled thats all but I've wanted this for a while now..." I say while being flustered "oh! Well uhhh... unnn- well do you wanna tell the others about it or uhh-" hyper stutters on her words "if your fine with it I'm fine with it" I say trying to make her feel comfortable "well keeping it a secret wouldn't be good so I think we should tell them when we get the chance" hyper says "whatever makes you happy sweetie" hyper blushes at that name "s-sweetie?" Hyper says while really flustered "yeah! Your my sweet hyper" i say while also blushing a bit "nmmm well *yawns* I think we should sleep cause I'm getting pretty tired" hyper says in a sleepy voice "yeah me too let's sleep together" we both then lay down and start to fall asleep slowly in eachothers arms :)))))))))))

Timeskip brought to you by adorable tooth hurty and cakey fluff

I wake up not remembering what happened at first and blushed when I realized I was laying on hyper's chest but then remembered what happened last night. I could feel my face heating up even more as I think about it. Some people were already awake and some were still sleeping and some probably saw that I was cuddling with hyper so they might know now that we're a thing or something. I still can't believe myself that this happened.. it makes me so happy to know that I have someone to love now

Hyper then wakes up with a cute yawn. I blush a little at how cute she is "oh hey cakey" I can't tell if she's blushing or not because of her mask but she would look adorable if she was "good morning hyper" I say to my cute girlfriend. And then suddenly say comes up to us and says "so are you guys a couple now or what?" "W-what are you talking about?" Hyper says nervously while twiddling her fingers "oh come on you guys were literally cuddling in your sleep and plus I can tell that cakey is blushing so it's kinda obvious that you guys like eachother" say explains to us "damn well if it's really that obvious then we should probably tell the truth" "yeah we actually just became a thing yesterday" I say while still being flustered and I'm pretty sure hyper feels the same way

To be continued.....................................
Total words: 1390
Sorry I kinda just stopped right there cause once again I'm really tired and I just wanted to finish and plus I didn't wanna make it too long since I have other ideas for other chapters so I think it's best to just end it there so I don't accidentally do those ideas oop-
Anyway enjoy this chapter the next chapter will come soon or maybe it won't I'm surprised I even had the motivation to make a part 2 cause usually I can't even finish part 1 while making a fanfic lmao- anyway bye bye

Those 3 lovely words (cakehurty/sweet tooth ship fanfiction) Ghost and palsWhere stories live. Discover now