Chapter 1

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Here is what the cast is going by in this story before you start reading
Hyper = tooth hurty
Cakey = Cakey
Novo = Trash dentist
I'll tell you who they are when a new character come up and has a custom name

If the text is like this that means they are thinking
Ight your good to go :)

Hyper POV

"Here I am once again pulling my extra teeth... thanks to my last dentist I've developed a fear of dentists... I mean who wouldn't after getting their fucking jaw ripped off?!? Thanks to that bastard I've had to hide it from others... my hyperdontia is one of my biggest secrets and I don't want people to find out about it... he didn't even do a good job since I still have extra teeth which is why I'm pulling them out right now.. hopefully I can get rid of them one day"

I finish pulling out one of my teeth. It was painful without the anesthesia. I clean up the mess of blood and use something to stop the bleeding from my mouth, I put my mask back on and go out of my house to school. I do my usual stuff until cakey walks up to me and greets me. I might have a crush on her since I keep getting these weird feelings when I'm around her and I blush a lot when she compliments me but "I know she would never like me that way... she acts nice to everyone so I think she only sees me as her classmate.. especially if she were to know about my hyperdontia then she would never like me-"

"Um hello? Earth to hyper??" Cakey said trying to get my attention. I snapped out of my thinking "oh! Sorry I was just lost on thought..." I said while being embarrassed "oh it's ok hyper I'm just glad your ok" she smiles at me. I feel my face start heating up "oh my god why is she so cute..." I think to myself "well I'll see you later hyper" she says as she leaves to class probably and I'm just left there in my thoughts once again

Time skip brought to you by me :)))

School is over and I get to go home... until I was stopped by say and arc "hey hyper! Come to our sleepover for a swag time" arc said in excitement while say just facepalmed "a lot of our friends are going and we would like you to go too. You are my friend after all" say asks. It looks like they really want me to come. I sigh "I'll think about it" to be honest I don't like being around a lot of people since it kinda makes me anxious especially about my... you know... but at the same time I don't really have anything to do plus cakey might be there. "Fine.. I'll go" I say trying to be confident with my decision. "Yay! More people!" Arc says in more excitement than before "thank you hyper we'll make sure you have fun so don't worry, we gotta go now bye!" Says reassures me before They both head off while I go back into my deep thoughts... I have a habit of doing this really...

(Yeah I know it's early for the typical sleepover chapter but whatever :))

When I went back home I got ready for say and arc's sleepover... really I wasn't all that excited but if it makes my friend happy I'll do it. Plus there might be a chance cakey will be there which means I might have a chance to- "no. She'll never think of you that way" I said to myself. After that I start going into my deeper thoughts and start worrying about everything "what if they find out?!? What if I do something wrong? What if I upset cakey?? If she's even there that is..." all these thoughts swirling in my head are starting to make me dizzy so I lay down and take a little nap...




I wake up

I notice the time and realize I'm late. I quickly grab my stuff and go over to arc and say's house. Luckily they aren't too far away. I get there "damn hyper why did you come so late? I was worried you weren't going to come" say said looking a bit concerned. I see cakey in the corner of my eye and I immediately get excited. I actually didn't notice that I was staring at her I was just so deep on thought "umm hello?? Are you listening to me hyper?" Say waved to me to try and get my attention and I snap out of my deep thought "uwa! Sorry I was just deep in thought-" I get cut off by say "what were you looking at? Do you perhaps have a crush on anybody??" Arc chimes in and asks me "w-what! No I don't... I don't love anybody" i try to lie my way out. Nobody knows about my crush on cakey not even say knows... I'm afraid they would make fun of me or something... but really when am I not a afraid? Say just sighs "arc she obviously seems annoyed by you so can you stop asking her questions that make her uncomfortable?" Say asks to arc "oh sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" arc apologizes "it's fine... just don't get the wrong idea... I don't like anyone..." As soon as I said that I stared off into cakey's direction again "well I'm gonna go enjoy myself while you guys do you" I try my best to make up an excuse to stop talking to them to talk to Cakey "oh ok! Have fun" say says to me

I walk over to cakey who is just eating say and arc's cakes "h-hi" I stutter out trying not to be so nervous like always "oh hi hyper! Nice to say that you came" cakey greeted me "yeah... It's nice to see you too.. cakey..." I'm always so shy when around her I can already feel my cheeks heating up from how cute she looks "hey are you ok? You look a little shaken up?" Cakey asks. She obviously noticed the way I was acting "is something wrong" cakey asks with concern "yes- I-I MEAN no nothings wrong- ah!" I was cut off by something warm wrapping around me. Cakey was hugging me. I could feel myself blushing like crazy from how warm and soft cakey was. She released from the hug and I could've sworn her cheeks were red but I'm probably just imagining things... "hey if anything if wrong just talk to me ok?" Cakey asked "y-yeah I will.." I say that but I know I won't. I'm just too scared to open up to anyone.. even if I like them

Arc was trying to convince say to play truth or dare since it's "interesting" but say thought it was too cliche and eventually arc gave up (ha you thought- I'm too lazy to right a truth or dare scene lmao) instead they decide to watch a movie. We all sit down to watch the movie and of course arc decides to put a horror movie "seriously arc? That's so cliche...I thought you didn't even like scary movies" say complains "things change" arc says with a overtly cheerful tone. I'm kinda concerned for the guy to be honest.

I move to sit behind cakey so I can hug her if I get scared. At least I'll have an excuse to hug her right? And So The movie starts...

Cakey POV

I realize that hyper is right behind me. For some odd reason I hope that they could hug me if they get scared of the movie.. "I really do like her don't I?" After that I start thinking of negative things "she'll never like someone like me... I'm so imperfect.. I wish I was worth something-" I get snapped out of my thoughts by hyper suddenly hugging me. I start blushing "u-um" I studder not knowing what to say "o-oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to hug you-" hyper tried to apologize "no it's fine. Come here" I pull her in for a hug and start patting her as I hug her "oh god am I really doing this???" I think to myself while blushing quite a bit. I can hear her whimpering because of how scared she is but she starts to calm down which is good cause I don't want her to be scared

After a while she released from the hug "I-I- thank you..." she stuttered out. Good thing it was too dark to see each other's faces since I'm a blushing mess right now and I didn't want her to know that I liked her..

After the movie we did a few activities and went to sleep after that.. of course I couldn't sleep so I went to the kitchen to eat more of their cake. I was eating their cake until I heard footsteps coming from the hallway. I quickly put away the cake just in case it was say or arc but to my surprise it was actually hyper. She looked tired and she looked right at me.. she looked very nervous as she twiddled her fingers just what was she going to do?

"Cakey I... I...."

To be continued...............

Total words: 1578
get "to be continue"d ;)
Sorry if this was bad at the end I got really tired and I just really wanted to finish tbh but anyway wait for part 2 see ya

Those 3 lovely words (cakehurty/sweet tooth ship fanfiction) Ghost and palsWhere stories live. Discover now