Chapter 3

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Hyper POV

I was a bit embarrassed that cakey just straight up said we were in a relationship but then I again I Did agree to it "oh congrats on your relationship then" say congratulates us "t-thanks say" I say while still being flustered. Cakey was holding my hand from under the blanket which made me blush even more than I already was "ha I knew you had a crush! I'm gonna tell everyone!" Arc chimes in and says "w-well I saw you and kennith kissing so you can't say anything!" I say to arc back "w-wha! So that was the noise we heard? You guys were awake?!?" Arc says now being embarrassed "yeah we both saw you.. you guys should really be more quiet next time you try to do that during a sleepover" Cakey chimes in and says "dang arc I didn't think you would date anyone" say says to arc "what!! What's that supposed to mean!" Arc says trying to pick a fight with say "ah shit here we go again" say sighs

We both get up to pack our stuff so we can leave say and arc's sleepover "hey cakey" I turn to cakey "hmm? Yeah?" Cakey turns to me "since were a uh.. thing now.. do you wanna go to my house sometime or maybe I can go to yours?" I say while blushing "oh of course you can" Cakey says with a sweet smile "how can someone be so cute?" I think to myself "alright! I'll see you at school" I smile at her and leave say and arc's house "waiiiit" Cakey yells out and grabs my hand "can I walk you home" she says while blushing a bit "oh yeah you can walk me home if you want" I blush at cakey's warmth from her holding my hand "yay! Well let's go" so we both walked to my house together and as soon as we knew it we were there already "awww you have to leave already" it seemed like cakey didn't want me to go "hey it's ok I'll see you at school ok?" I try to cheer her up "your right! I'll see you later then" Cakey then gives me a kiss on the cheek which makes me blush quite a bit "oh geez I just realized how short you are compared to me" Cakey points out and I get flustered "mmmm" I just pout "hehe well I gotta go goodbye hyper!" Cakey then runs off and I go in my house to get ready for school

Timeskip brought to you by me staying up until 1 AM to write this fanfic

A few days have passed since me and cakey started dating. We've had a lot of fun together for the past few days. I don't know how long I plan to keep my hyperdontia a secret but nonetheless I love her with all my heart. Oh and apparently arc and Kennith told the rest of the gang about their relationship so that's cool but anyway I love cakey so much.. she's actually right next to me!

We're on a date actually. We're at a icecream place because I knew cakey would like to eat something sweet for a date. I try to pat her head but I can't seem to reach "damn I wish I wasn't so short" I thought to myself "what are you trying to do sweetie?" It seems like cakey noticed "n-nothing" I'm a little embarrassed that I couldn't reach cause I'm so short. I then feel a warm hand on my head patting me "I know what you were doing and your so adorable!" Cakey says with that sweet smile she always has "no u!" I say back. She then proceeds to kiss me on the forehead "nah your way cuter than me, I'm not even pretty to say the least" Cakey says in a positive tone but at the same time I knew she was trying to degrade herself "don't say that! You are pretty!" I say trying to cheer her up "mmm i don't know... I just don't feel like I'm good enough for you- oh!"

I cut cakey off by kissing her.. she tastes so sweet. As soon as I cut off the kiss I immediately pull my mask back up before she could see the scars "you are good enough cakey. Don't put yourself down because you are perfect no matter what anyone says." I say genuinely "please don't say that about yourself anymore ok?" I ask cakey "alright.. I won't say it anymore if it makes you happy" Cakey says back "yay! Thank you cakey!" I hug cakey and lay my head on her chest as she pats me. I didn't want this to end... after a while we decided to go back to cakey's house but on the way there I saw someone I really didn't wanna see...

It was novo. He was across the street talking to Christopher "oh hey! It's novo and Chris, I wonder if they'll become a couple too..." Cakey points out and says "y-yeah..." I stutter out while all of the bad memories flow back into my head "hey is something wrong-" Cakey gets cut of by me grabbing her hand and running away "let's go" I say while running as fast as I could away from him "h-hey! Hyper what's wrong?!" I catch my breath for a minute "I.. I... I'll explain it when we get to your house..." I'm on the verge of crying and maybe even having a panic attack but cakey being there makes it better but at the same time now I have to tell her my secret... "Oh ok... hey are you crying?!" Cakey says even more concerned now "I-it's fine! I'll tell you when we get to your place alright?" I say while trying to be calm "o-ok..."

We get to cakey's house and we sit on her bed "so.. what happened?!?" Cakey asks sounding and looking very concerned "Cakey I... I..." I then start crying because of how weak I am "eh?! Hyper your worrying me" Cakey pulls me on her lap "you can tell me anything you know... I love you.." Cakey says while trying to comfort me "w-well I can show you..." I say which makes cakey even more scared and concerned "w-what do you mean?- wh-" I take off my mask and show her the scars "W-what happened to you hyper?!?" Now cakey is panicking cause she's worried about what happened to me "Cakey please don't hate me for this but... I.. I... I have hyperdontia! And I-I went to the dentist it was n-novo... and he... he ripped my jaw off.. Thats why I get so scared when I'm around him and that's why I wear this mask!" Cakey was speechless but at the same time she looked so worried. After a few seconds of silence she embraces me in her warmth. She was hugging me tighter than usual and I would've sworn I saw some tears.

"I-I'm so sorry hyper! If I would've known! I-I'm gonna go tell everybody what that man did-" Cakey gets cut off by me "n-no! Don't tell everyone! I don't want everybody else to know that I have hyperdontia..." I say in a panic "ok ok! I won't tell anyone don't worry.." Cakey tries to comfort me. she puts my head on her lap and pats me trying to calm me down as I was crying. "It's ok hyper I don't hate you I'll love you no matter what" Cakey then kisses me. We kiss for a while and then she breaks the kiss "there there sweetie it's gonna be ok" Cakey says in attempt to comfort me. She managed to calm me down and just cuddles me and I accidentally fall asleep in her arms "oh looks like you fell asleep.. well sleep well my sweet hyper" she then kisses my forehead and tries to sleep with me.

Total words: 1349
Sorry This chapter is late! I was supposed to finish it last night but I was forced to sleep since it was literally 1 in the morning oop- anyway leave ideas for things you want to happen (no smut tho) bye bye!

Those 3 lovely words (cakehurty/sweet tooth ship fanfiction) Ghost and palsWhere stories live. Discover now