"Kim Potential..." Part LXXIX...

Start from the beginning

"What just happened?" Wendy stared at the unconscious Potential... "Was it a psychotic state? Hallucination?"

"No idea, dear..." Bortel shook his head. "But lets continue the workup...We must know if her brain has been injured..."

"It's been a terrible strain for her...Maybe too much?" Wendy suggested.

"Perhaps..." Bortel, wearily... "Let us focus on obtaining der data for now...And keeping her calm and sedated."

In the control room, Avairius monitored the progress of the Drakken pursuit...

Drakken's shielding eluding most tracking but given the close range, close mass detection and good ole visual was still picking up his vessel at moments...

However, not allowed to directly fire anything but the lasers, to disable, was making it rather difficult for the pursuit craft to deal with their prey...

"There!" cry on the speaker from the leading vessel...Drakken's vessel briefly on screen, a laser bolt just missing the stern...

"Sir, recommend we try concussive charges!" the commander of pursuit vessel #5, just behind the lead ship #2, noted over the speaker.

"Only if you're sure it won't sink them." Avairius replied... "We want them alive."

"We can't keep up with him much longer!..." lead vessel #2's commander noted.

"Try a charge but no closer than 1000 feet..." Avairius commanded.

"Firing charge...! Brace for detonation!" #2's commander cried.

Drakken undersea lair...

Where Barclay with henchthug and droid support was confronting Hego and Ron at the dock area as negotiations continued. Hego and Ron still in their suits and remaining in the water, Hego preferring their current position to placing themselves in the Drakken team's hands on the dock.

"Our people will be moving in shortly." He noted. "If Possible is here, bring her, and we can discuss allowing your people safe conduct out. But I'll proceed no further without proof she's ok."

"Can't bring her, Mr. Go..." Barclay shook his head... "But I can give you some proof of her safe condition... 223?"

A droid stepped forward, open laptop in grip. Image of a Drakken agent in trademark red outfit on screen, a woman Ron recognized.

"Sally? Can you show us Possible?" Barclay spoke to the laptop's microphone.

The screen moved to show an unconscious Kim Possible, twisting slightly in 1174's firm grip.

"There..." Barclay noted. "As you can see, she's alive and in one piece. She is sedated but she'll be fine."

"Bring her here." Hego commanded. "Now. Or these negotiations are at an..."

Kim on screen twisting again...Ron looking anxiously at her as she suddenly opened eyes, breaking from 1174's grip.

"Kim! We're here!" Ron called to the screen... "Get to the dock area, we're waiting for you!"

"Ron!" she eyed what was clearly the monitor there. "Oh, Ron! You came! I'm ok!" she waved.

"Kimberly..." Sally's voice. "You're still recovering...We don't know how this..."

Sudden cry, shorting out of image and voice on screen...Very much as if someone had thrown something or someone at the camera...

"Sorry..." Kim eyed the startled Sally who gazed at the dripping remains of what had been 1174. 337 keeping a discreet and respectful distance. "But Ron can't know just yet what's happened." Narrow stare.

Kim PotentialWhere stories live. Discover now