Ch. 2 - Initial Thought

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Just one more day to go.

Lily was ecstatic. Who wouldn't be? She had finished her college applications, tests, and assignments. Winter break would start in seven hours. All she had to do was survive one last day of school.

"Lily!" an enthusiastic voice called from behind. It was none other than her best friend, Grace.

They've been friends for five years, from middle school to their senior year of high school. The two of them have been each other's shoulder to lean on. They survived through more than half of their senior year together.

"High school is easy. It's like riding a bike and the bike is on fire and the ground is on fire and everything's on fire because you're in hell (Jae Park of DAY6)." The perfect way to describe the dumpster fire it is.

And it was finally almost over.

"I can't wait till we're out of this joint. I'm gonna binge-watch so many k-dramas and anime with you."

Grace grinned at Lily. She was being extra gleeful today. Grace recently received news of her early admission being approved. Life was looking up for her.


Lily smiled back and looked at the school. They had entered the building.

Students pushed each other through the crowded hallways. Some yelled at the top of their lungs, calling out to their friends. Boys dashed and zig-zagged across the campus, dodging between students, staff, and the occasional trash can. Shouts from teachers usually followed, yelling at them to walk. It was a little more than the typical morning.

Lily and Grace needed to get through one of the greatest obstacles of the day to get to their classes: the main hallway. Grace often used Lily as a shield. She stood behind Lily for her to take the hits. This was because Lily was taller than her five-foot two-inches self. Her broad shoulders blocked off people from knocking Grace on both sides. It was an effective strategy to survive the wave of tall high school children. The only downside was that whenever Grace wanted to talk to her, she would only see a dark brown ponytail that swished back and forth as they walked.

Lily was perfectly fine with this arrangement, even though there was the occasional awkward eye contact and shoulder friction between strangers. If she could ever repay Grace for her kindness as a friend, Lily would put up with it.

Finally, they reached the place where the hallways split.

Grace and Lily parted ways. Their lockers were on the opposite sides of the building, and they didn't share first period in the morning. They would be able to meet again during the last period of the day. Lily went to her locker to put her backpack away, shuffled to her classroom, and took her seat.

She looked through her binders, pretending to read her notes. In secret, she just wanted to eavesdrop on other people's conversations.

Lily isn't a social butterfly; she just finds everyone else more interesting. The way they gossip was all fun and games to her.

"I got Enlightened yesterday," Eli announced, a smirk plastered on his face.

He had the signature look of dark blue hair, a white sports shirt, and green flannel. Known for pulling pranks on teachers and being a troublemaker overall. Not the best look if he wants to get accepted into a good college. However, Lily found this interesting.

"Wait, really? Show."

Eli rolled up his sleeve to reveal a tattoo. It was a roman numeral for the number four. The tattoo was the color of gold.

The boys around him stared in awe.


This was the name for the people who received elemental powers. According to people witnessing Enlightenment, there would be a glowing light emitting from their bodies. For those who receive the power, it felt more like a dream.

A mysterious man would greet them and make them spin two wheels. One consisted of roman numerals negative five to five. The other had symbols. The wheel with the numbers would determine the control and how much power they have. The lower the number, the better Slayer they would be.

Negative numbers and positive numbers had a vast difference in power. Positive numbered people required sources of power from their surroundings. Negative numbered users could conjure power out of thin air. Only 32% of the world population has these powers, and less than one percent has a negative number.

The other wheel is used to select what elemental power they had. Fire, earth, wind, electricity, and ice, to name a few.

Tattoos would appear after they received these strengths. A golden-colored tattoo represented a positive number, while the negative numbers would be red.

"I can make ice. Just watch."

Eli grabbed his water bottle and spilled it all over the table. Just as the water hit the table, it became a thick, small block of ice. His friends started fooling around by trying to break it. Lily paid little to no attention after that.

She sighed.

Her knowledge of Enlightenment was limited because it never interested her. There was no need to know of it. If it didn't help her get into a better college, she wouldn't bother digging further.

Lily put her book down and glanced at her watch. Class was about to begin. An hour and a half of lectures given by the teacher were about to start. All she had to do was take notes and stroll from class to class. It was only a matter of time.

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