'He sheltered an ungrateful brat who only brings problems. Well,it's like in the saying...Like mother like daughter...A slut mother and a slut daughter...' Krist added and Beam nods...

'Enough! You don't know anything...It's your fag of a son who is a slut...!' She screamed and Beam stood up and slap her hard..

'You really are dumb...you keep saying that my son is the slut...when you are the one who spread her legs to anyone...You are the one who is pathetic to keeps on seducing men..if you think you are good enough...then you don't need to spread your legs..but obviously you are not...You are just some itchy frog face 24/7 who wants to be use by used men...damn...married men?why? Can't fool single men to fuck you?...aww so sad....You bragged about being what? A woman? But look who is happily married and gets a mind blowing sex?...My son...' said Beam..Juniya's pride is stepped on and still doesn't want to give up...

'Whatever...that slut son of yours is still fake!!!'

'Hahahahaha...fake? 🤔...If there is a fake here..It's you!'

'Right...my son in law is nothing but pure and natural...Naturally beautiful.. Even more beautiful than girls...and what he and my son have is pure love..but you? You are just a leech...a parasite that wants to have a taste of something that is not yours...and you said fake??...Oh ppuuhhhleeaaassseee!!!!...you are the most fake person I have ever met.. And I stand corrected,it's not like mother like daughter...it's 'like mother like son'... 😼'

Beam and Krist are enjoying her every reaction whenever they spilled her secrets..

Juniya's breath became uneven...

'H-how..' She stuttered

'You forgot who we are and what we are capable of...' answered Beam

'You called my son in law a fag..but you are after my son who is one...and you? You think just because you changed your appearance,you become someone else? You forgot where you came from..you forgot what you originally are.. We are not against your preference because..duh! Our sons are gays...but the thing is..it's because you become blind. You forgot the real essence of being like you..' Krist stated


'You have no right to lecture me...I'm sure my father is doing everything to get me out of here..' she said

'Hmm...sorry to burst your bubble of hope..but,you see..Mr.Pawit is not doing anything to help you out...

'You're lying..' she interrupted

...No I'm not. He had a deal with my husband that if ever you try to hurt any of our sons...you are going down...and Mr.Pawit agreed. Anything that is and will happen to you is your sole fault.' Beam said calmly

'That's not true...he loves me..I am his daughter...I am her wife's daughter he will not let any-...

'Yes you are his wife's daughter but not his..And he had enough giving you what you want..I can say that Mr.Pawit finally opened his eyes.. That keeping his wife's bastard son is nothing but a big mistake..' Krist said...Juniya is just shaking her head denying the words that Krist said...

'I don't believe you...he didn't know-

'Oh..he knew dear..he knew since the beginning..he just kept you because maybe he is guilty...You knew how much Mr.Pawit loved your unfaithful mother right?..that's why he kept you..'

Trust in Love Again (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें