Ch. 3

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"Here I come."
"____ where are you"
*Running around looking everywhere*
"Ok I give up where are you ____. It getting late!"
"Haha you should have seen your face."
"You almost made had a heart attack!"
"You can't get a heart attack."
"You know what I've mean."
*start laughing*
Skylar's p.o.v

As we walk around the school to classes to outdoor to the bathroom. With enough time to spend before school over. 12:23 an few minutes left until school over. Now we are our last stop the art room.

Ryder seen like a nice person but what happen if he just using me to do his homework. What happen if he a two face person and boss you around! All these thoughts going through my head but why am i doubting him.

"So, Skylar is really ok for you to skip classes?" Ryder ask. I snap out of what I was thinking and answer.

"Yeah it ok for me because I already finish this week and next week homework and classwork." I replied.



"Oh sorry but the hell you must be super smart or something."

"Well kind of but it because how slow they are going in class so I went ahead."

"That cool. Did you skip a grade or two?"

"Yeah I've skip kindergarten, first, and second grade. Mostly the elementary I skip. But I stay out of school for a while because I was too ahead of the class."

"Whoa you must be young like 14 or 15."

"I'm actually 17."

"Wow your one year younger then me."

"Really so your 18."

"Yup. Wait, that mean super smart and you can help me with my work."

"Um....I could help you."

"Thanks. So what next on our tour?"

"Well school out in an in a few minutes so I thought we could go to the art room." I said shyly. It was quite for a while. Maybe he don't like art or something.

"That sound like a good idea." He said.

I smiled and head our way to the room. It was empty for now. I open the door to the smell of paint, clay, pencil and many more. I took a deep breath and turn around to him.

"So want do you want to do?" I ask.

"Hmmm............. How about....... We draw randomly."

"That good idea." I happily.

I got out two of my sketchbook and set them on the table. Then went to the shelf to get the pencils.

"Whoa these books are big." He flip through the pages and land on one drawing. "What this? Who this?"

I look at the drawing. Grab and close the sketchbook. I look at him and smile.

"How about I draw you instead."

"Um, ok. Do you want me to pose or something."

"Hmm can you sit right there and look like you are not paying attention." I point to the seat next to the window.

"Ok that sound easy.... I think." Ryder sat down and look outside the window.

I started to draw him and the bell ring. I put down the pencil and sigh. Ryder look at me got up.

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