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Ellie's POV:
          Professor Umbridge is utterly unreasonable. Detention on the first day of school?! I have never received a detention in my life before today. I don't like being in trouble, so I was nervous to go to detention tonight.
          But, Blaise did seem to warm up a little. He is still acting funny, but nicer about it. I'm glad he is back to talking to me. The way he acted on the first day back made me realize, I care about him a lot more than I thought I did.
          As I make my way to detention, my anger boils. What kind of teacher gives out detention for such a thing? It's just messed up.
          "Good evening miss Greengrass." Professor Umbridge says with a fake smile. "You will be writing some lines for me today."
          "Yes Professor," I say as I take a seat in her office. The office is even worse than her classroom, she has pictures of cats everywhere, and the walls are pink.
          "Here, use this quill." She says, "You won't be needing any ink."
          "Ok, what should I write?"
           "Write, I only use kind words." She replies. "Write that until it sinks in."
           When I start writing, my arm starts the hurt terribly, I feel like something is digging into my skin. I look at it and realize, my writing cuts through my skin and uses my blood for ink. The bleeding cut on my arm now reads, "I only use kind words"
          Umbridge did not let me go until I had wrote the message several times, which only worsened the cut in my arm. This had to be illegal.
          After detention, I run from her classroom, extremely upset. Blaise is standing outside her classroom, waiting for me. I am too upset to say anything so I run past him.
          "Ellie! Wait!" He shouts, running after me.
          He catches up to me. "What is the matter?" He looks really concerned. I show him the cut on my arm.
          "Did she do that to you?!" He says, fuming with anger.
           I'm crying now. "She gave me this quill, it uses my blood for ink. I think it's her form of punishment."
          I'm a bloody mess, but Blaise does not care, he pulls me into a hug and tells me it will all be fine. We walk back to the dormitories. He walks me to my door only to find that Daphne and Pansy are not there. I forgot that they camped out in the common room every Tuesday night. It's like a weird tradition they have.
         "I am not leaving you alone like this." Blaise says. I know there is not arguing with him, so I let him in. By now, my arm is covered in blood, and it's dripping on the floor. He grabs a random t-shirt off of Pansy's bed.
          "Here wear this, Daphne will kill you if you bloody up another designer outfit of hers." He says.
          I laugh and put on the shirt. No healing spells work on my arm, because the quill is cursed, so I wrap it up in a bandage for the night.
          "Too bad we can not go to madam Pomfrey, if Umbridge got in trouble for this she would make my life hell all term." I say.
          "Ya, she won't get fired because the ministry put her at Hogwarts, she's a dangerous woman, we can't risk it. I'm so sorry Ellie, she's a horrible person for this."
          "My arm should stop bleeding by morning, the pain is not what upsets me. I just thought Hogwarts was a safe place, she has invaded that safety. That is upsetting to me." I say.
          "I can't leave you like this," he says, looking worried, "scoot over, I'm staying with you tonight."
          I scoot over in my bed to give him room. He climbs in and says, "Nobody should be allowed to treat you like that."
        "I hope the boys do not notice your gone." I say; as I sit up in bed.
        He sits up as well, "they will probably think I'm in the common room studying."
          "Studying? On the first day back?" I say.
          "It's Draco and Theo were talking about, they aren't the brightest." Blaise responds, laughing.
          This makes me laugh. Blaise always makes me laugh, it's one of the reasons we get along so well. We were facing each other just sitting there. We talked for hours. Blaise really cheered me up, his company always does. Our conversation goes back to Umbridge.
          "Ellie, I swear if that horse lady does anything to harm you ever again, I will knock her unconscious. Lady or not, nobody can treat you like that. Not while I'm here." He says, looking deeply into my eyes. We were very close now, our noses almost touching.
          "I'm glad I have you." I say. He leans in, his lips about to touch mine when,
          "What the hell is happening in here?" Daphne says from the doorway. We quickly separate. She laughs, "It's ok guys, I'm just a bit shocked that my sister has a boy in her bed at 2 in the morning. That was always my specialty."
          I throw a pillow at her, "Go away" I say, embarrassed.
          "Have fun you two!" Daphne says giggling as she exits the room. I want to die of embarrassment.
          Blaise is laughing. "Boys sneak into Daphne's bed?" He asks.
          "Not much, her boyfriend in fourth year maybe, but that's it." I say.
          "Draco was not in bed last night, that is why I ask." He says.
          "Daphne left the room when she thought me and Pansy were asleep last night." I say.
          Is my sister secretly dating Draco?!
          "That's suspicious, don't you think?" He says.
          "Well they fancy each other so not really."
          "Damn, everyone at this school is getting laid expect for me." He says laughing.
           "Your not alone, I bet you Umbridge isn't getting any, and you couldn't pay a girl to get near Crabbe and Goyle." I say.
           "Umbridge has Filch, or Snape. Nice to know I'm in the same league as Crabbe and Goyle though." He says jokingly.
            "You know I didn't mean it like that!" I laugh. "And besides, I think Granger has more options than me."
            "Granger?! Nobody wants that bushy haired know it all! Besides, half the boys in the school worship at your feet." He says, "Every year, when the Yule ball comes around I always have to beat up blokes that try and sneak you love potions."
          "But they don't know me, they just know of me, so they don't really count do they?"
          "No they don't, you need a man who really knows you." He says, and with that we both fall asleep, exhausted.


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