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There once was a bittersweet man and they called him lemon boy.

Y/n L/n (Age 7)

I lifted my head up from the ground and noticed that, instead of being inside an airplane, I was in a desert with chaos surrounding me.

"How did I get here...?" I stood up from the ground.

"Mommy... Daddy... Where are they....?" I looked around once more to see several corpses surrounding the broken airplane.

I felt my stomach drop at the horrific sight, "MOMMY! DADDY!" I felt my feet carry me towards a couple with familiar clothing who were lying on the ground.

"MOMMY! DA–" I widened my eyes as I saw that they were already dead.

I fell to my knees in shock and wept over the loss of my parents.

"M-Mother.... F-Father...." My head turned towards the direction of the voice to find a boy, who was around the same age as me, standing in front of his parents' corpses.

He was growing in my garden and I pulled him out by his hair like a weed.

I stood up from the ground and walked towards the grieving boy, "H-Hey..." I called out.

The boy heard my voice and turned to me with his tear-stained face, "Y-You... You survived..." Tears started to fall down his face.

"I-I'm sorry... This is all my fault... B-Because of me–"

"Who said this was your fault?"


The boy stared at me in shock.

And like weeds do, he only came and grew back again.

"It's not your fault... It was the stupid meteor's fault!" I raised my head up to look at the sky, "Curse you meteor!" I yelled as loud as I could.

"Hehe... The meteor won't... hear you like that..." The boy giggled at my gesture.

"EEEEHH? Why not?!" I crossed my arms and pouted.

"Because... The meteors are very far away from us."

"Huh? How do you know that? Have you been to where meteors are?" I tilted my head in curiosity.

"I.. I read it... in a book..."

"Woah! You can read?! That's so cool! I can only read small words like 'cat' and 'dog'!" I looked at the boy before me in awe.

"I-It's not that hard..." The boy grew flustered at my gaze and looked down at the floor.

So I figured this time I might as well let him be.

"Well for me it is! Oh, I'm Y/n L/n by the way! Let's be friends!" I smiled and stretched my hand out for a handshake.

"N-Nagito Komaeda...." Nagito shyly took my hand and shook it.

My eyes lit up at his gesture, "Yay! We're friends now!" I removed my hand from Nagito's hold and went to hug him.

"CHIEF! THERE'S SOME SURVIVORS OVER HERE!" I removed my arms from Nagito and saw a person making their way towards us.

"W-Who are you?" I hid behind Nagito and stared at the person.

"I'm here to take you guys to a safe place."

"S-Safe place...? B-But what about M-Mommy and Daddy....?" I shakily pointed at my parents who were lying at the ground.

The person looked towards the direction where I was pointing at and sighed sadly, "They're in a better place now..."

lemon boy | nagito x readerWhere stories live. Discover now