2. Breaking Rules

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Hermione Jean Granger.

Hermione sighed looking at the letter from the snowy old named Hedwig. It's from Harry Potter, her best friend. She smiled to Hedwig before walking back into her apartment. She unfolded the brown parchment.

Hi Hermione!

How are you doing? Me and Ginny are currently on our honeymoon is Australia. You should come here to calm your mind. The beach is really beautiful. I miss you, you know?

I know you'll be questioning why did I send letter instead of texting you using the phone. Well, it's just I missed letting Hedwig seeing you. I'm sure Hedwig misses you too.

Me and Ginny are doing fine right now. I hope you are fine too. I'm sorry about Ron. That daft idiot. Once I reach London, I'm gonna punch him right at his nose. You don't deserve someone like him okay? Stay strong, Mione!

Can't wait to hear from you!

Yours Sincerely,

Hermione folded back the letter and put it into a small box. She kept all letters from her friends in the box. Well, most of them were Harry's. Ron? Nah, he never gave her anything. Not even a single letter. Hermione sighed thinking about Ron. He was a total arse.

"I hate you so much, Ronald Weasley"

Hermione got up from her chair, heading to the shelves filled with her pictures with the boys. She took a box and put all of the pictures with Ron's face on it into the box. Even if that meant she needed to throw away pictures with Harry, she didn't care. She didn't want any single thing related to Ronald Weasley entered her house.

She can't believe Ron had cheated on her right few days before their engagement. She looked at the couple ring circling around her ring finger. Hermione cursed mentally. She took it off and threw it into the box. Ron could never afford to buy expensive rings. He surely had some of Harry's money in his Gringotts vault.

After making sure everything was being thrown away, Hermione sat on the sofa in her penthouse. She threw looks to the road of London. The traffic is so congested. Thank God she didn't have mood to go out today. Hermione spotted an envelope on her coffee table.

Accepted to be the secretary of Dreamland's CEO

Hermione sighed before putting the letter back on the table. She never thought after leaving the wizarding world, she would be living in this hell made by her. Even her parents didn't remember her after she obliviate their memories before leaving for Battle of Hogwarts.

Now, she's all alone. Her parents died in a car crash without having a single clue about her. It still broke her heart everytime she thought about it. Hermione sighed, she can't be this weak. She needed to accept the fate.

She has to start working on Monday and it was Saturday. She couldn't be more grateful to be accepted at one of the comoany she applied for. Well, though being secretary is not her dream job, but that's all she got right now to survive.

Hermione took the old album of Hogwarts. Moving pictures were everywhere. Muggles who have never been to Hogwarts will accuse themselves for being insane to think those pictures were actually moving. Hermione stopped at a picture of her as the Head Girl and..

Draco Malfoy as the Head Boy.

Draco Malfoy.

Hermione looked sharply at the grey eyed guy in the picture next to her. Her eternity enemy. Never once in her lifetime she would think Professor McGonagall would have pick a former Death Eater as the Head Boy. They were never getting to be friends as Draco being the Malfoy he is, while Hermione being an all-rounder Muggle in the school she is.

The only thing that left an impression on her was,

He didn't call her Mudblood like how he did in their previous years of school.

Hermione remained silent, looking at the picture. That's the only picture she had with Draco during school. Well, she wasn't close with him. You know, him being a Malfoy, Slytherin, Death Eater. Oh, what a copy of Lucius Malfoy.

Hermione walked into her personal study, opening her lowest drawer. That drawer has always been a secret to herself only. Her friends can touch the other drawers and stuffs, but not the drawer she kept only for herself. She looked at all her awards from Hogwarts, including her Head Girl badge and award and..

Her wand.

She took out her wand. It's been 5 years since she last used magic on daily basis. Since she left Hogwarts and wizarding world, she put magic out of her life and live like a normal Muggle. Hermione sat on her chair, staring at her wand. She promised to herself that she'll never use magic again. But, she knew she'll end up with magic again one day.

"Wingardium Leviosa"

The book in front of her started floating in the air as she swish and flick her wand. Hermione smiled, she can't believe she still can do magic. Hermione changed into a simple outfit. Blue oversized knitwear tucked in to a palazzo pants with her hair tied into a high ponytail. Taking her wand, handbag and cellphone, Hermione Apparated from her penthouse.


Hermione appeared at the park she usually went to when she was a child. She sat on the bench, looking at the kids playing there. Muggle London is a beautiful place with bad society. She remembered going here with her Obliviated parents years ago.

"I miss this view"

Hermione looked at the sky. She still remembered on her last year, she spent time at the Black Lake with Draco. Doing nothing, just admiring the beauty of the sky. It would be a lie if she said she didn't fall for Draco at that moment.

Platinum blonde hair, beautiful silver grey eyes, tall figure. Hermione admitted she kept a feeling for Draco when she was dating Ron back then. Yeah, she fell for Draco Malfoy till today, hoping to meet him again.

"I'm breaking rules again"


Hey hey hey! How's the first and second chapters everyone? I'm so excited for this book. Also, Hermione's penthouse is the one she inherited from her parents.

Yup, rich family.

This is 100% based on my own imaginations. If there's any similarities to others, I'm sorry. It's never my intention to do so. I hope you all understand.


Don't forget to vote and comment for next chapter! I love all of you so much!

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