six - screams

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first thing, for my relevant  readers, for my og readers, for my readers who are here at the update (not other readers.) I CHANGED THE END OF CHAPTER 3 AND MOST OF CHAPTER 4, I MADE DRACO LESS SOFT BECAUSE IT WAS ANNOYING ME HOW SOFT HE WAS. EW. SO GO RE-READ IT! ITS BETTER.

also sorry for the short-ish chapter.

anyway, sorry i haven't updated in forever. but here is chapter 6, hope
you like it!


the next thing i know i'm in the same bathrooms with the same person as i was a few days ago.

the last thing i remember was running to the bathrooms, but i don't remember walking in the stall or puking or anything.

i flutter my eyes open, my blue eyes soon meeting his grey ones. we stayed silent as he held me in his arms.

and then all of a sudden i remembered everything.

noah. i was sleeping with noah. i even said i love him.

but i don't love him.

"draco," i manage to say weakly.


"i don't love noah." i blurted out. he widened his eyes, "the fuck? when did you say you love him?"

"i told him i did." i said, confused with my own words.

"WHAT?!" draco screamed, causing me to shake in his arms. "you told him you love him?" he said as he lowered his tone. he sounded more hurt than angry now.

"draco stop, something happened. i don't love him, i never did. things happened and i don't know why. i don't understand-" i babbled.

"what do you mean things happened and you don't understand?" he said furrowing his eyebrows confused.

"i slept with him draco!" i cried, "but i don't know why. i never even really knew he existed till like yesterday." i whimpered. "malfoy what happened?" i question. he looked angry again, his face soon turning red.

"i fucking know what happened. and i'm going to beat the living shit out of him." he said breathing rapidly. i've never seen him this mad before.

"draco," i pleaded once again, "what the fuck happened?!" he looked down at me, and i was honestly scared, he looked scary.

"he used amortentia you dumb shit."


dracos words scrambled through my head as i tried to process what he just said.

Noah used amortentia? so are you telling me i was practically raped, again?

i opened my mouth and my hand quickly covered it.

it's quite simple really, Noah snuck into dracos room when he left and set the note down on the counter. the substance in the glass wasn't water, it was a fucking love potion, so when i flipped the fake note over and saw the picture of noah, i fell in "love".

i was on the verge of crying and i didn't want to. not again and not in front of draco. so i sucked it up and rubbed my eyes.

"i cant believe it." i huffed.

"yeah and he doesn't know what he has coming." draco growled. i sat there in silence somehow okay knowing that draco would beat noah up. i mean he damn right deserved it.

"as soon as we get out of this bathroom, i'm finding adams." he remarked. i was speechless,
i didn't know what to say. i wanted to kill noah but at the same time i want to know why he did it.

"how am i remembering this all now?" i question.

"cause you threw the potion up collins."

"oh." i began to dig my finger nails into my palms, but draco didn't seem to notice. he was too busy staring at the stall door.

"did you take any drinks from him these past two days?" draco questioned. i tried to remember everything i drank in the past few days.

"wait, he would give me tea everyday and we would both drink it." i gulped.

"that fucking bitch." draco said quietly and i could see him gritting his teeth together in fury.

i understand he likes me, (i think) but why would he get so mad over this?

"draco i need to talk to him." i say trying to stand up, but i quickly fall back into his arms and he caught me.

"are you out of your fucking mind?!" he yelled.

"no! let me go." i say once again trying to get up, pulling out of his grasp. but he wouldn't let me go.

"i said let me go draco." he was making me frustrated now.

"i'm not letting you go talk to him collins." he huffed.

"well it's not you're decision to make is it." i spat.

his nostrils flared.

"you are mine, and if he fucking touches you one more time sofie, i swear i will kill him." he was sweating and his blonde hair was spread out all over his forehead and he looked so hot.

i was still mad though, and i responded with something i shouldn't have, "i'm not yours draco. we haven't even spent a whole night together."

"don't even start." he said rolling his eyes.

"whatever." i mumble. "can i- no, will
you just let me go now?" i whine, and he just stares at me.

"draco, anything i felt for noah wasn't real." he paused for a second, but with that he opened the stall and let me out.

but right as i was going to leave, draco grabbed my wrist pulled me back, and slammed the bathroom door on my face, locking it from the outside.

"draco what the fuck!" i screamed banging on the door.

"i told you i was going to kill him sofie." he said in a angry tone. then i heard him use a spell to lock the door so i couldn't get out no matter what. and he knew i didn't have my wand with me.

"draco!" i scream while i continue to bang on the door.

i stop banging and rest my back against it instead. i start hyperventilating and feel my eyes well up with tears.

he's going to kill him. i can't let him kill someone it would ruin him.

"i truly believe he's going to kill him." i say as i quietly cry to myself.

and then i heard it.


so many screams.

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