10. Wedding bells...

Start from the beginning

As she had expected, it was just the house staff, priest and a man who she assumed must be a lawyer were the only eyewitnesses of this wedding. And then her gaze landed on Ashton. Just one look at the enigmatic man and her anxiety doubled. But then she thought of Sam and all the second thoughts quashed completely.

Finally, she reached to his side and looked up in the eyes of her groom. Why? She had no idea but she immediately regretted the decision as her brown orbs met his brooding grey. He looked handsome with his intelligent eyes, chiselled jaws and symmetrical features. She was reminded of the day she had first met him when he came knocking on her door like an avenging angel. They both stared in each other's eyes for long seconds until they heard the priest clearing his throat.

"I think we can start the ceremony now." The priest announced.

Tearing her eyes from Ashton's she focused on the ground praying to the heavens that the veil was able to hide the heat of her cheeks.

She took long deep breaths and tried to focus on the priest's words. The service was simple and to her surprise, it pretty much matched to what she had seen in movies and TV shows. Finally came the most crucial part of the ceremony also the moment she hadn't envisaged.

The priest smiled at the couple as he said, " I now pronounce you husband and wife. Now you may kiss the bride."

Hearing the last line her breath got stuck in her throat. She had completely forgotten the part where the kiss seals the wedding deal. Half panicked half in shock she looked at Ashton as he slowly raised her veil.

'A kiss is not needed!' she had wanted to scream but before she could do so Ashton wrapped an arm around her waist, drawing her closer to his body as he tilted her chin to get the perfect angle before finally dropping his lips to hers.

If in any 'still perfectly working corner of her mind' she had thought that he would stop now then he proved her wrong as he pressed his mouth and separated her lips thus sliding his tongue inside and invading her senses.

And like that she lost her first kiss. At the age of 21, on the day of her wedding, her husband stole her first kiss. Finally, when he let her go she could feel her heart slamming against her ribs, her entire body heating as if she had just jumped into a volcano.

" I knew you would taste good but so much? I am surprised," he whispered in her ear. "You are intoxicating Mrs King." A deep pink crawled up her skin and she felt her knees going weak while he stood straight like a statue. As if he hadn't lit a thousand fireworks inside her. As if he wasn't affected at all.

Everyone clapped and cheered for the new couple.
"Now it's just signing of certificate and a few other documents." said the lawyer.

Lilly lowered her head and hoped the makeup was able to hide the heat in her cheeks. She signed the certificate and a few other documents related to the legal adoption of Sam all the while trying her best to control her trembling hands and shaking heart.

By the time the remaining procedures were complete and priest and lawyer took their leave it had started to turn dark. With Lilly hanging onto the last few threads of energy. At that moment all she wanted was to soak her aching body in warm water and forget the fact that she had signed her name and life to a man she didn't even know.

As she turned to disappear in the direction of her room a maid stopped her.
" Mrs King, the dinner is ready. You didn't eat properly in the morning."

She had wanted to say no and she had almost said it if the maid hadn't  continued saying, "Mr King and Samuel are waiting for you at the table."

If she said 'No' now then it will leave a bad impression on her brand new husband and the manners which were ingrained in her since childhood made her turn around and drag her feet to the dining room.

Ashton and Lilly sat at the opposite ends of the table and a child chair was placed beside Lilly for Sam. The three of them started eating dinner. For the first time in her life, Lilly realised that having dinner can be a tedious task. Since the moment she had set her foot on this foreign land her hunger had gone on strike and she wouldn't be lying if she said how much she missed her appetite.

She slowly looked up at the opposite end of the table at Ashton who was busy cutting the steak and chewing on it slowly. His fingers and mouth busy at work.

'He looks good even when he is doing something as mundane as eating.' her inner voice whispered in her head.

She quickly lowered her gaze as she realised where her thoughts were taking her to. To distract herself she looked to her left at Sam who was sipping his milk slowly. How much she wished she had the same appetite at the moment as these two men were having.

After pushing half the food around the plate and stuffing half of it in her mouth she finally got the opportunity to get out of this God awful dinner when she saw Sam yawning. She quickly got up from her chair and the screech of her chair earned her a raised brow from Ashton.

"Sam is feeling sleepy now. He didn't take his afternoon nap today so he is very tired. I'll put him to sleep." she picked Sam up in her arms as she wished Ashton goodnight and quickly she scurried out of the dining room without looking back.

She hurried to the nursery and a maid followed her.
"Let me do it, Mrs King. You should go to your room," she said to the newlywed bride.

"That's kind of you but Sam is new here and doesn't know anyone so I'll just put him to sleep and then I will go back to my room." Lilly smiled at the maid.

"Mind if I follow? I just want to help you because your dress won't allow you to move freely."

"Ah...Thanks. Yes, I would need your help then."

Lilly helped Sam into a new change of clothes and then putting him to sleep she placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"Your son is adorable." The maid smiled looking at Sam.

Lilly frowned but then realised maybe the maid must have heard Sam calling her 'Ma' that's why she thinks he is my son.
''Yes, he is my life." Lilly smiled. Her chaotic heart finally relaxing at the sight of his sleeping figure.

"OK then. I think you should hurry to your room. Mr King must be waiting for you." The maid couldn't hide her well-wishing smile.

Lilly however, had no idea about what to say. 'This isn't real marriage so there is no excitement or anticipation and hope.' She thought to herself and smiled at the maid.

"Good night, Mrs King."

"Good night, Mia."

As Lilly reached her room she closed the door behind her. Leaning her back against the door she stared at her queen-sized bed. She was tired both physically and mentally.

Maybe a good hot shower would help, an inner voice suggested. After all this wedding ordeal it was finally time for her to relax. She walked to the centre of the room and tried to remove her gown but Oh heavens! at that moment she realised one big mistake...

What do you think went wrong? 🤨

Also, tomorrow will come the part you all have been waiting for. So stay tuned 😉

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