The floor had only three cabins and a reception desk. Just like the outer building, the interior also impressed me, the hotel was speaking of class and old money. This just made my decision to open my casinos and dance clubs in this group of hotels even firmer.

The receptionist came over and smiled politely. "Mr Goenka?" She asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"This way, please," she said, gesturing towards the office of Mr Sehgal. John was vigilantly walking behind me. The receptionist moved and opened the door for us.

My eyes went to Mr Sehgal who was sitting on his leather chair, wearing his three-piece Grey suit behind a well-furnished desk. He looked up and gestured with his hand to the chair opposite his desk. "Have a seat, Mr Goenka."

"Thank you," I said and settled on one of the leather chairs while John kept standing a step behind my chair.

"What can I help you with?" He asked in his crisp formal voice as he joined his fingers together and gave him a firm look.

I placed my hands on the desk and met his gaze with a sharp look. "I came here to know why you declined my offer to open casinos and clubs in your hotels, Mr Sehgal. GCC is a big brand itself. The partnership I am offering you is not bad at all?"

He eyed my hands before moving to my face. There were many touch scars on my hands and He was looking at me with a look which couldn't be described as anything but disgust.

Was it affecting my mood?

Yes, it was.

Am I going to react to the look he was giving me?

Not yet.

Because I wanted to know the reason behind his denial in his own words. So I sat there quietly and waited for his answer which he didn't take too long to give.

"Because I don't do business with people like you, Mr Goenka," he said in a tone full of arrogance.

"People like me? May I know what's wrong with me that you don't want to do business with me, Mr Sehgal?" I asked him, really interested in knowing the answer.

Once again he looked at me with the same disgust and a pulse started to tickle my temple. But I still remained calm. Forced myself to remain calm.

His upper lips curled upward and his eyes swapped from my hands to face. "I do business with reputed people and You are nothing but a low-class goon, a cheap pathetic man who doesn't have any reputation in the business world. The man who adopted you is a criminal just like you. A low-class cheap criminal. I wonder what gave you the idea that I would have any interest in doing business with a cheap man like you. My hotels hold a world-class reputation. And you think I will allow my name to get tainted by associating myself with you? Never! I will never look at you twice let alone do business with you. You cheap criminal.

Now that you got your answer, Get Out." He said standing up and pointing at the door. "Leave!"

I raised my chin a little and calmly leaned back in the chair. He stared at me angrily but I kept my features calm for now and flashed him a smile. "You know, I always hated people who think that just because they belong to some reputed family they are better than me. And you are one of those." I sighed deeply.

"Now listen to me, Mr Sehgal, I am politely offering you the deal again, accept it and sign the papers my lawyers will send you and Tomorrow the news of our business collaboration will be in the news."

"In your dreams. Now Get Out of my office!" He sneered.

I heard John making an angry sound in his throat behind me. I know what he needs from me. A signal to end this man right here, in his flashy office. The way this man was talking, he deserved nothing else. I stood up and glanced at John, giving him the signal he wanted from me. A single nod. Now he can do what he wants.

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