Chapter 16 - Issues Of Being Not On The Same Page

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Allen's eyes widened in alarm. This time, the panic was clearly seen on his face. 'Shit, he knows! He fucking knows!' Allen thought. He doesn't know what to do. He couldn't tell Sean the truth, he couldn't. If Sean finds out about the novel and everything, Allen will be...

"Wait. Please, I could explain. There's a reason why I'm doing this so please don't tell anyone." Allen blurted out in panic, now already dropping his rude attitude.

Sean was taken aback at Allen's sudden change of attitude, which made his chest tighten. "I'm afraid this can't remain a secret. I won't accept any additional salary, so don't attempt anything." he says firmly. He lets go of Allen and starts to walk away.

"What? No, wait!" Allen panicked, chasing after the man. 'Look, I know you hate my guts. I won't bother you anymore, I won't be some rude asshole, I'll leave you alone. In fact, I don't want to bother anyone, really. I will do anything, just don't tell anyone!' he internally screamed in his thoughts.

Unfortunately for the boy, Sean just ignored him and continued to walk. "We will also return the additional payment you gave us. My decision is final, Mr. Allen. I will tell your family." he said.

The boy was taken aback as he realizes that Sean called him by his name.

Allen became more nervous as he heard those words. He immediately grabbed Sean by the arm, knowing that the butler won't like it. "Listen, dumbass. I assure you, it's nothing bad. So it's--"

Because of what Allen said, Sean stopped walking. "Nothing bad?" the butler said in utter disbelief at what the boy was saying. "Are you even hearing yourself?" his glare on Allen suddenly darkened, pure anger could be seen in his eyes. "Are you seriously saying that being in that state often is nothing bad?"

"What?" Allen gaped at him, starting to get confused. Okay, now this is getting complicated. He doesn't already know what Sean's talking about. Because of too much headache, Allen finally questioned. "Just what nonsense are you spouting right now? I do not understand what you mean, butler. I don't even get why you're doing this." he crosses his arms, slowly realizing that both of them aren't on the same page.

"What on earth is the fuss all about?"

Both of them turned towards the source of the voice, only to see Allen's older brother, Ronald, standing if front of them.

"Ron?" Allen gaped in alarm. 'Way to go, Allen. Way to make things worse!' the boy thought stressfully.

Before Allen's older brother could greet the boy a welcome home or scold him for thinking of being mean again, he stopped right on his tracks as he saw his younger brother's appearance.

"Allen? What happened to your clothes?" Ronald asked.

Allen stayed silent for a while, but later on, he answered. "Why do you care? Am I not allowed to wear this kind of style?" he says in a fake harsh tone.

"Allen, what did I tell you about being horrid to people?" Ronald scolded.

"Ron. This is none of your business. I choose what I like to wear so--"

"Young master Allen is being physically bullied in school." Sean interrupted, earning a glare from the boy. But he just chose to ignore it and continued speaking. "It seems that he had been secretly purchasing some healing potions, using it to heal his injuries without anyone's notice." the butler says, showing an empty bottle of potion on his hand.

Ronald's eyes widened. After a while of processing the information, he felt horror.

Allen looked at the man in complete shock. 'Wait a minute, he thinks that I'm being bullied? Like, physically?' he thought in disbelief. Just how on earth did Sean reached into that conclusion? No one had tried to lay a hand on Allen ever since he decided to act like an asshole, except for Will and the other bad guys. Speaking of Will, it's been a while since he saw the guys. Allen wondered if the dude is plotting something evil again.

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