I awkwardly stand there as Nicole's eyes well up with tears, and she hugs her husband. I watch as they embrace, not knowing if I should rub her back to calm her tears or just sit back like an awkward turtle.

I go with the latter.

Sirens begin to erupt about a block away, and I look at my feet. I have a feeling I'll be a personal escort for Kyle and Nicole to meet Sam.

I sigh, leaning against the hood of the red truck and waiting for the police to get here. I wonder how I'm going to explain to them how there wasn't anyone in the car.

My arms shiver as more raindrops fall onto my skin, and I look up to the sky. Dark, grey clouds hover above me, and the sound of thunder echoes through the street.

I do a double take, however, when I see purple light illuminate from the top of a highrise about a block away. I turn my full attention towards the roof of the building, but when my eyes land on the purple figure, it turns the other way and runs out of my sight.

I instantly know she's behind this.


"So how do you know Sam?"

I, Quiver, walk through the hallways of my apartment building with Kyle and Nicole. I really hope it's not awkward when Sam sees Quiver instead of Jamie.

"Oh, y'know..." I trail off, not knowing what to say, "I've seen him around. I don't think he knows me though."

Before either of them can reply to my nonchalant answer, I stop in front of our door. "Here we are."

"Sam lives here?" I turn to Nicole and smile, nodding my head and silently hoping they aren't stalkers posing as Sam's parents.

Without wasting a breath, I nervously raise my hand, lightly knocking on the door and stepping behind Kyle and Nicole.

When the door opens, my heart stops, my body full of anxiety. Kyle and Nicole look awestruck, and Sam hesitates at the door. His eyes flicker from Kyle to Nicole to me, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Sam?" When I speak, I try to keep my voice low, so he can't recognize me. "These are your parents. Kyle and Nicole Larson."

I stay quiet as I watch his eyes look over his parents. I know how hard it is for him to trust people, especially strangers.

"Do you recognize us? My voice from over the phone," Kyle asks, breaking the silence, a hopeful look in his eyes.

"It's us," Nicole adds, and I take a step back, not wanting to interrupt.

At that moment, Sam lets out a breath, his eyes welling up with tears. "Really?"

Kyle places his hand on Nicole's shoulder as she gently reaches out for Sam, taking his hand in hers. Sam lets out a choked laugh, grinning widely before wrapping his arms around Nicole.

She hugs him back, Kyle placing his other arm around Sam's shoulders, and I watch as Sam finally meets his family.

I lean against the opposite wall, not wanting to disturb their emotional reunion, when my thoughts drift to this morning. I shouldn't be thinking about this now, but I'm awkwardly standing to the side while my boyfriend meets his parents for the first time.

Voltar was there; she probably controlled the car from the rooftops with her electricity. It was probably to scare people, too.

What if... Voltar meant to kill Nicole and Kyle just like she killed Max? If she was targeting them, why? What connection do they have?

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