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The Place Where It All Began.

"Caitlin! Move your ass and wash the damn dishes! It's already been an hour and you still haven't done your freakin' job!" says an angry voice from outside the room.

The girl who was mentioned, just laid on her bed, ignoring her sister's nagging. Because of the noise that her sister was making, she decided to put on some earphones. Right now, the girl felt irritated—she was busy reading a good story and then someone suddenly interrupts her precious time.

Little did she know, that someone was watching her.

From a distance, there's a tall guy with brown hair, he wears a dark cloak, and he sits comfortably on a tree, eying Caitlin's phone intently. This suspicious boy is known as Azazel Van Rensselaer, the guardian of different dimensions and the most idiotic person in the world. People call him Az in short. At this moment, he also has his cat familiar along with him, who's named as Alicia Perez.

Meanwhile, Caitlin couldn't see him, because the boy was using invisibility magic. And as for the reason why Az is interested on her phone, it's because it is in the latest brand. He had no money to buy one, so he decided that he would steal from someone. Honestly, could've just stole from a shop, but he's too much of an idiot to think of that.

"Come on, you stupid girl. Be obedient to your sister so that I can steal it!" Az grumbled as he watches her through the window. "Just what on earth is she doing with her phone? Is it so important that she had to ignore her chores?"

Suddenly, a sigh was heard nearby. Az turned to look at his familiar, who's currently a black cat with beautiful dark features.

"How desperate. I can't believe someone like you became a guardian!" Alicia shook her head in disappointment.

Her master, Az, just shrugged with a nonchalant expression. "Deal with it, kitty. After all, I earned it." he gave out a smug smile.

The cat meowed disapprovingly, annoyed by her master's smug expression. When she was about to say something, she was interrupted by the irresponsible guardian.

"Look! Her sister became mad! And she's dragging the girl out!" Az chirped excitedly.

"Why do you look so happy? Do you enjoy her suffering?" Alicia looked at him weirdly, obviously creeped out.

The guy gave out a fake sad expression. "Come on, Alicia. Why are you looking at me like that? I'm not a sadist." he pouted.

The cat just looked at him. A moment later, she shook her head. "Az, why are you like this?" she sighed. "I can't believe my master is going to be a thief."

Az gave out a light chuckle. He looks at his familiar with an assuring smile. "Nah. Don't worry, I'm going to leave behind an anime figurine." he says.

Alicia looked at him with a blank expression. "Are you serious? Why on earth would she want that?" she arched a brow.

"Well, she's an otaku. Judging by her room, it's pretty obvious."

"So? What's your point?"

"They love anime figurines, so they'll accept it as payment."

The cat looked at him as if he lost brain cells. She couldn't help but facepalm from his master's stupidity. "Look, I don't think that's going to---"

Before Alicia could even finish her sentence, Az immediately dove inside the girl's room. The cat's eyes widened in outrage. "Azazel Van Rensselaer! What do you think you're doing!?" she exclaimed.

"Well, duh. Getting her phone?" Az said, clearly stating the obvious.

"Stealing is a crime! Give it to me or else I'll use force." Alicia says. She also goes inside the house, turning herself into her human form.

"No, I won't. What are you? My mom!?" Az yelled, obviously annoyed. Before he could even say more, Alicia chants a spell—targeting the phone he was holding. This caused her master to back away in alarm. When the magic shoots out from Alicia's palm, Az immediately throws the phone away—it lands safely on the bed, causing him to sigh in relief.

"Are you crazy!? Are you planning to destroy the phone?" the guardian exclaimed.

"No, I'm not. I'm just trying to retrieve the phone from you." Alicia said. She raises her hand, chanting another spell.

"No!" Az yelled, jumping towards his familiar. He knocks her onto the floor, preventing her to get the phone. Unfortunately, Alicia was strong enough to pin Az beneath her. Before she could do anything, the guardian grabs her. "That's it! I'm going to send you to some place for a while!" he says angrily, starting to chant a teleporting spell.

Alicia dodged the attack, causing the phone to be hit instead. The both of them gasped in shock. Az wailed in despair, while Alicia sweated in guilt.

Meanwhile, the phone was falling through the sky.

It was falling somewhere in a different dimension.

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