Chapter 1

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You were a young adult that just finished culinary school, trying to find a career in the food business that wasn't fast food. 

So far its been a struggle. 

Its hard finding someone that will hire you, because you hardly knew what you were doing. You knew how to cook and prepare dishes, but the technical stuff never seemed to stick with you. You weren't the best at measuring, or cutting the food, and even peeling the vegetables was a struggle. 

Besides all that though, your food was amazing. Every single person that's ever had a taste would agree that your food was the best thing they've ever consumed. They couldn't get enough. 

But alas. No one was willing to hire you as a chef, so for now you buss tables and some times you get the chance to  practice waiting tables at the establishment you work for. 

One day you hope to get the chance to become a real chef. . . But you're beginning to lose hope. 

I just hope that one day someone will see how great I am, and bless me with an amazing job so I can not only survive, but live . . 

And today was that day. 

To be continued. . .

Gordan Ramsey X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now