Louis woke up in an empty bed with the sheets sticking to his body, he felt sticky and full of energy. He and Harry had not had that much sex since their honeymoon, but if sneaking into Harry's class meant amazing sex then Louis will never stop. He pushed the sheets off his body and stood up without bothering to cover his body from the view of the window, he walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower before stepping inside.

He had a quick shower before getting changed and changing the dirty sheets of the bed. Louis grabbed his shoes that he left at the bottom of the stairs last night and put them on before realising Harry left his bag. He smirked and picked it up before grabbing his keys and leaving the house so he wouldn't be late.

He arrived at the university with a few minutes to spare as he swiftly walked inside and sighed a breath of relief as harry was facing the board. He walked over to Lilly, Emma and Tanner and sat down smiling.

"Why are you so smiley?" Tanner smirked as Louis put Harry's bag by his feet.

"Just a good night." Louis said smirking as Tanner nodded trying to hide a laugh.

"What did you do?" Lilly asked, completely oblivious to what Tanner and Louis clearly meant.

"I- err watched some films with a friend." Louis stuttered out and blushed as Tanner let out a laugh.

"Oh what did you watch?" She asked smiling and Louis looked back at Tanner for help.

"Oh my god you stupid bi- he had sex you dumb ass." Tanner laughed as Lilly's eyes widened and a rosy blush covered her cheeks.

Louis tried to hide his laugh as he turned his attention to Harry who had now turned around. After a few minutes of Harry talking the awkward tension in the air had cleared and Lilly turned to look at Louis. "Have you got your notes?" She asked.

"Nope. But I'm sure Professor hottie will let me slide." Louis smiled as he looked towards where Kevin was staring at him, Louis didn't say anything he just sent him a friendly smile.

Kevin leant back so he could whisper to Louis. "About last night-"

"It's nothing, forget about it." Louis snapped as he leant forward so no one else would overhear.

"Fifty bucks and I'll stay quiet." Kevin smirked and Louis' eyes widened.

"Fifty bucks!" He almost yelled as he looked around seeing only a few people looking at him. "Are you fucking crazy?" He whispered.

"Alright then, I'm sure Lilly would love to know you're Professor Styles' husband." Kevin said as he went to turn around but Louis grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back.

"20 bucks." Louis whispered and Kevin shook his head.


"I'm not giving you forty bucks." Louis whisper yelled. "I'll give you 25."

"40. That's my final offer or I tell everyone here." Kevin smirked as Louis was trying hard not to punch him.

"Fucking fine." Louis mumbled as he pulled out two twenty dollar bills and handed them to Kevin.

"Pleasure doing business with you." Kevin smiled and turned around before Louis flipped him off and leant back in his seat huffing.

"Prick." Louis mumbled before looking back at Harry.

"Alright. How do you know when someone has experienced love?" Harry asked the class as he ran a hand through his hair. "Err, Flora?" He looked towards a girl on the front row with glasses and brown hair in a high ponytail.

"Butterflies?" She said quietly and Harry nodded.

"Yes! Anything else?" He looked around the room as a few other people put their hands up, one being Lilly. Louis panicked and moved away from her slightly as he ducked down. "Darren?" Harry chose someone from a few rows behind, allowing Louis to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Err when you can't do anything without thinking of them?" Darren mumbled unsurely as Harry nodded and picked up his pen. Louis wanted to stand up and say something really cliche but he decided against it as he had just paid some kid, he now really hates, 40 dollars to keep quiet about his secret.

"What does a writer do to make us fall in love?" Harry asked as the room fell silent. "What makes a writer good at making us fall in love with their characters, or their story?" He rephrased.


Louis had given Harry his bag and left for work straight away. He had to admit Harry was a great teacher, he interacted with his students and he was passionate and really cared about what he was teaching. But to be honest, Louis didn't even know how to answer Harry's question in class today. Everyone experiences a different type of love so how can we pin point one specific thing?

Once he arrived at work he walked in to see Zayn talking to a brown haired man with tattoos and he was around the same height as Zayn. Louis walked in further and chucked his hoodie behind the desk before pretending like he wasn't listening to their conversation.

"Okay well, I hope you can come back soon." Zayn said as he blushed a little. Louis was slightly shocked, Zayn barely ever blushed.

"Of course, I have to come see you again." The man smiled before taking his phone from the counter and walking out the door. Louis smirked and walked closer to Zayn once the man had fully left.

"Who was that?" Louis asked as Zayn threw one of his crisps at him.

"Just Liam, he's one of my clients." Zayn mumbled as he ate another crisp.

"Hmm, are you running a sex clinic that I don't know about because he didn't look like he was coming back for tattoos." Louis laughed as Zayn scowled and flipped him off.

"Shut up, at least I'm not sneaking into my husbands lectures."

"You would too if you knew the sex I had last night." Louis smirked as Zayn groaned and walked over to Louis.

"Shut up mate, talk to Niall about your sex life. He cares more than I do."

"Nah he'd ask for a video. Anyway what's going on with you and Liam?" Louis changed the subject making Zayn groan and push Louis away slightly.

"He just moved here and wants to get some tattoos, I gave him one today and we may have flirted." Zayn mumbled as he looked down and fiddled with his hands.

Louis moved closer and patted his back. "Get some Zee" He laughed as Zayn glared at him making Louis change the subject slightly. "Well do you like him?"

"I mean he's hot, and funny and really fucking muscular." Zayn rambled as he looked out the window. "Do you think he's hot?"

"Woah bro calm down, I saw him for like five seconds and I have a husband so I don't think I should comment." Louis laughed before the two carried on talking about whatever topic came up until one of Louis' clients came in and he left Zayn alone behind the desk.

But the whole time Louis was working, all he could think about was how he gets to go home to an amazing husband after work. Could he get more lucky?


Professor Styles - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now