"I'm Ron Weasley."

"Pleasure. You two better change into robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon." She told Harry and Ron because I had my robes on already. She got up and was about to leave but she turned back. "You've got dirt on you nose, by the way. Did you know? Just there." She told Ron and he cleaned his nose.

Some time later when we were almost there I was back listening to music when the compartment door slide open but it wasn't the Graner girl.

Three boy entered and I recognized the middle one. It was the blond boy with silver-blue eyes from Madam Malkin's robe shop. I took my headphones off so I could hear him.

"Is it true?" He said. "They're saying all down the train that the Potter twins are in this compartment. So it's you two, is it?

"Yes," we both said.

"This is Crabbe and this is Goyle, and Im Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

Ron gave a slight cough, which might have been hiding a snigger. Draco looked at him. "Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask yours. Read hair and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley." He said. "My father told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles and more children than they can afford." He continued and my blood started burning.

"At least they love their kids. I bet none of them were a mistake, unlike other people I know." I said and gave him a fake smile.

He rolled his eyes and continued talking, more to Harry then to me. "You'll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potters. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." He held out his hand to shake Harry's, but Harry didn't take it.

"No one asked for your help." I murmured.

"I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks.'' Harry said coolly and I smiled proudly.

Draco went red out of anger. "I'd be careful if I were you, Potters,'' he said slowly. ''Unless you're a bit politer you'll go the same way as your parents. They didn't know what was good for them, either. You hang around with riff-raff like the Weasleys and that Hagrid and it'll rub off on you.''

"Who the heck you think you are?!" I got up and pushed him. "Say that again, huh."

"How dare you talk to me like that, you filthy half-blood." He said and looked me up and down.

"Ah... calling me a half-blood hurt so much." I acted hurt

"She said: say it again. Go, say it". Harry order with bravery.

"Oh, you're going to fight us, are you?" Malfoy sneered.

"Unless you get out now." I said

"But we don't feel like leaving, do we, boys? We've eaten all our food and you still seem to have some.'' He said

"You're talking about the Weasleys can't afford their children but you have to come and take our food, why? Mommy and daddy can't afford it? They didn't give you enough money? That's so sad." I said sarcastically.

"Don't you talk about my parents. Also, I can afford it, I just don't feel like it." He did a movement with the hand and Goyle reached towards the Chocolate Frogs next to Ron. Ron leapt forward, but before he'd so much as touched Goyle, Goyle let out yell. Scabbers was hanging off his finger, sharp little teeth sunk deep into Goyle's knuckle. Crabbe and Malfoy backed away as Goyle swung Scabbers round and round, howling, and when Scabbers finally flew off and hit the window.

"What the hell!" I shouted. "Get the fuck out of here, before something bad happen to you three." I said slowly. "Out!" They disappeared in a second.

We checked on the rat and he was just fine. "You two have to change into robes. We are almost there." I said to Harry and Ron.

"Okay, okay. You don't have to talk to us like that." Said Harry and I just rolled my eyes and sat down.

"Well get out." Said Ron.

"Ughh. Is not like there's something to enjoy anyways." I said and got up.

"Hey, what is that supposed to mean?"

I laughed. "I'll be waiting out here. Tell me when you're done."

While waiting out side I decided to go to the bathroom. I did my thing then looked in the mirror and fixed my hair.
I opened the door to get out but I bumped into someone. I looked up at the tall boy. He lookd deep into my eyes. "Did you lost something, Draco?" I asked making him snap out of what ever he was thinking. "Cause if yes, I will not help you find it." I pushed him out of my way and was about to walk away but he grabbed my hand.

"I just want to say that, I'm sorry. Is the rat okay?" He said and narrowed his eyebrows in a worried way.

"First of all, you didn't throw that rat so its okay. Also the rat is not mine. The apology should go to Ron. The rat it his. And yes Scabbers is fine."

"Oh... then I mustn't worry." He siad and smiled.

"Gosh," I rolled my eyes and turned around.

"Wait. I'm sorry." He said and I turned to face him, again. "I truly am very sorry. And I know I already said sorry but it just, you looked really angry. And I don't want you to be mad at me. I know I shouldn't have made the comments about your parents."

"It's alright, Draco. I accept your apology, even though you stole my chocolate frogs." We both laughed. "So, you own me." I said while walking away.

I entered back to the compartment smiling like an idiot and sat down. I didn't even know why. "Where were you? When I opened the door you weren't there- are you feeling alright?" Asked Harry as he saw me smiling.

"Why is she smiling like an idiot?" Ron asked Harry in low voice yet not whispering.

My smile dropped and I turned to Ron and gave him a deadly glance. "Do you want to end up like your rat? Thrown against the window?" I asked him and he went white. I laughed, "I'm just playing, man." I putted my headphones on.

"You're sister is bloody mental. But, I can't deny, she's very pretty." Said Ron to Harry.

"She got it from me." Harry joked.

"I didn't start playing the music... But, Ron, that was so cute. Thanks." He blushed super hard.
"And for your information, you got the beauty from me. I was born first. Aunt Petunia told me. You were born 5 minutes after me. So it mean I'm the oldest. I'm the boss of you." I celebrated. I was just joking. I wasn't going to slave my poor brother. Who does that?

"I hate you." He said and I winked.

I played my music and got comfortable. I lay my back against the window and my feets on the sit. I closed my eyes and enjoy the rest of the ride.

The Potter Twins》Draco Malfoy《  BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now