"Kim Potential..." Part XLVIII...

Start from the beginning

But a lot of it is for you, jerk...She eyed Ron. A sincere look that did make him waiver a bit...

"Ok...You're very good...Fine job Drakken did." He finally replied, staring out the window.

"Ok, then why did you come?"

"For you...And to see Drakken get ripped up by the Throwback...Which hopefully will have a liberating effect." He said, calmly.

"If he does cut a deal with Colonel Lindendon, it could be us getting ripped up." She noted.

"Just me...Drakken wouldn't hurt his greatest achievement."

"Ok, and I'm rushin' in to save the whatever, Master, etc?...If Drakken's up to a deal, why would I interfere with the master plan?"

"It's not...He obviously didn't expect Dementor would risk bringing in such a heavy and dangerously big gun and now it's either pull this off or see all his work go down the tubes. I'd guess he wants you there to demo...Proof that he's a better partner than Dementor."

Well, reasonable...Might have worked out that way...Once...She gave him a wan smile...

But things have taken an odd turn for Drew Drakken, would be world conqueror, father and family man...

"I wish you knew how wrong you were..." sigh...

He said nothing, eyeing her...

"Say, you wanna tell those jets to back off?...I've got enough trouble just steering this thing without them getting in my hair..." she noted, indicating two jets which had been closely monitoring them. The UN force having reluctantly accepted Ron's request via Wade to keep close but pursue only.

"You're lucky I didn't ask them to shoot us down..." he noted quietly.

"Nice to know I've still some place in your heart." Grin.

"You're still my Kim, whatever Drakken's done to you." He replied.

"Thanks..." she patted his hand. "So, after we finish with the Throwback, if I finally shoot ole Drew down or kick him into the water, would that be convincing enough?"

"It would convince me Drakken sent a synthoclone, which is about what I'd expect."

"Fair enough..." she shrugged. "Well, putting aside our little spat over my devotion to my nemesis for a mo, what do you think Drakken has to offer the Throwback, anyway? Assuming you're right and they're not already allies...Cause this could be a trap for us and the other fellas, you know. Get us to come out where they want us...?"

"You." He said simply. "And whatever he did to you. All this equipment he stole, the sequencer and the bioreactor and..."


Uh-oh...I see the slowly turning gears of the Rube Goldberg brain of my boyfriend finally meshing...The little ball finally dropping in all the right places...

"So...The famous Ms. Shego..." A hulking Lindendon in old-style military pilot's uniform on screen in the main cabin of the Dementor yacht onto which she'd just climbed greeted the frowning Shego who was being assisted with her parachute by two Dementor henchthugs... "Welcome...I believe you know my colleague, Avairius..." he indicated Avairius beside him in costume. The room behind them offering no clue as to where they might actually be.

"Bird-brain, how's things?" nod.

"Miss...Please...I'd hoped we'd conduct negotiations in a friendly manner. Do I have to shoot down your aircraft and blow up this vessel with you on it simply to encourage common curtesy?" Lindendon, patiently.

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