Dipper left the two. Will and Mabel finally made it to the library. Will went to get all the books that he knew that had information about angels. The one that he's read so far at least.

"I can't believe Dipper has read all of these, " Mabel muttered, "I get bored easily."
"I say books aren't as boring as you think, " Will explained, "I feel like you need to find a book that suits your liking."
"That's what Dipper always says, " Mabel muttered, "I just don't enjoy it."
"I found the last one!" Will cheered, "But I can't reach it."
"Maybe I can, " Mabel smiled.
"Aren't you smaller than me?" Will asked.

They both didn't realize their height differences.

"I am shorter than you, " Mabel always saw Will as the same height.
"It's just a few inches, " Will explained, "Do you think if I carried you we can reach the book?"
"I presume so, " Mabel said, "Maybe I can fly."
"Since when can you fly?" Will looked at Mabel in confusion.
"I'm an angel, I have wings, " Mabel said and then whispered, "Angels have wings right?"
Will laughed, "Of course you do."
"Ok, because a few days ago I found out that angels can have multiple eyes. Where do they go? Also, where do they go after I don't need them?" Mabel discussed.
"Is this what you think about?" Will questioned, "Just this?"
"Don't make fun of me, " Mabel pouted, "These are serious questions. Some demons have horns! Half of them can make them appear and others can't-"

Mabel covered her mouth and looked at Will. She made a mistake. Mabel and Dipper agreed not to bring up anything that can bring them harm. Even their knowledge of the other side because the Thompson's weren't always what they seemed.

"I thought you didn't know anything about the other side?" Will asked.
"We never said that, " Mabel looked down and held her dress, "We told everything that we knew little."
"How much is a little?" Will asked her, "No one is here but me... You can trust me."
"I trust you and your brother more than anyone else here because you're like us... Not a moral, " Mabel looked at Will, "You've shown us more kindness than the rest. Something is telling me to trust you."
"Really?" Will was happy that Mabel trusted him.
"Of course I do," Mabel chuckled softly.
"How much do you know," Will asked.
"Can I ask you something before I answer?" Mabel muttered.
"Of course," Will smiled.
"Why don't you use your powers?" Mabel whispered.
"To keep it simple," Will whispered back, "We're forbidden because of the rules that they made for us since we're not mortals. They're afraid that we'll attack them and that we're only allowed to use them when we were told by them or in emergencies. If we break the rules we'll be pun-punished."

Fear entered Will's eyes when he mustered out those words. Mabel saw the fear and hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry...That's cruel," Mabel blurted out, "They treat you like a monster when you're such a kind soul."

Will felt tears come down his face when Mabel hugged him.


They stopped hugging and looked around. Will heard a small child's laugh.

"You heard that laugh right?" Mabel muttered.
"There are no children here," Will told Mabel, "No one has children."
"Mummy..." It was a young girl's voice.
"She sounds upset, " Mabel said.

A bloody stuffed bear fell on top of Mabel's head and then fell into her hands. Mabel scream and threw it at Will. Will dropped the bear and looked around.

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