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I made it very clear to him that it's best for us to live completely separate lives instead of mingling as roommates, yet he insists on becoming friends with me. Renn annoys me to no end because he's one of the people that I don't like ever since I stepped foot in human society: superficial normies.

But... I don't know. Sometimes I get really close to him. Now you might say, "because he's naturally charismatic! What are you talking about?" Hmm... it's more like when he's being more natural, he's more fun to talk to. If only he drops that fake-ass happy façade of his, then I would happily be friends with him. Friends... hmm, not sure if I can apply that term just yet.

Anyway, there was this one time that I can't sleep. This is a total problem for me; I love sleep. I love sleeping in. I may be a night owl, but boy do I love to sleep in a room with a comfy bed and a decent air conditioning unit. So I went ahead and grabbed a glass of milk... then I saw Renn sitting on the sofa. He's watching something on his phone, probably Netflicks or something. I dunno; what I expected as Renn's roommate was that he would go home from those hangouts with his fake friends or bring a girl home to fuck her senseless. But then there's him watching some nonsense shows in Netflicks on his phone.

I asked why he's awake. He answered me with a fake laugh, following with his actual answer: "I can't sleep."

I offered him a glass of milk, and he declined. To me, this was pretty odd, so I asked why.

"I don't want to sleep."

I raised my eyebrow at that. "Seriously? Why? You had a nightmare?"

He just smiled.

"I'm going to assume you're suffering from a nightmare."

He awkwardly laughed again, then he nodded. "Yup."

It's not a good idea to ask what kind of nightmare it was. "First time?"

"No. Not the first time." He smiled again. It wasn't a fake smile though, but it was definitely a sad one. "Do you have nightmares too?"

"Sometimes. But I sleep it off again. Sometimes they go back, sometimes I dream of nothing. If anything, it's a minor setback."

"Oh..." He was still smiling, and I honestly couldn't forget it. It was something raw from a superficial guy who has everything. I was expecting for him to open up eventually, and... he somewhat did.

We talked about nightmares. He told me that he usually has recurring nightmares, and he's usually afraid that when he goes back to sleep, he would continue dreaming that nightmare. He didn't go into the specifics, but he said that it was dark and graphic. I honestly don't know what happened to this guy for him to dream something horrible, and frankly, I don't want to know what happened.

Then we talked about dreams. Dreams as in those surreal visions you see in your sleep, not those sappy life goals you have as a human. He asked how my dreams would turn out like. I would tell him that sometimes I don't dream anything, sometimes I dream about forgetting to water my baguettes or I'm wandering around the campus without my pants on. He told me that he was a little jealous; those kinds of dreams are rare for him, though he does agree that sometimes he doesn't dream of anything at all.

I half-heartedly suggested to him that he look for a therapist. He just laughed it off.

Good night, my prince.Where stories live. Discover now