It didn't take long for the dreaded conversation to start. I explained that I wanted to divorce Renee, but that right now, she was against it. I recalled our financial situation and how I had at least been smart enough on my end, not to link our wealth together, aside from one joint account we opened after we married. The house was mine, but at this point, she could keep it. I hated the unpleasant memories staining that house. It wouldn't be a problem finding a new one if things came down to it. 

The talk got a lot more serious as I described the overall relationship between Renee and I. I explained how she had been paid to date me in the first place, about her manipulative behaviour and our fights. I admitted that I had cheated on her throughout the two years of our marriage and about our vocally aggressive fights. But I made it very clear that I'd never put my hands on her, feeling sick to my stomach asI recalled the bruises Renee had showed me as she smirked.

"Do you have any evidence that can be provided about Renee being paid to date you? In addition, do you have any evidence to say that she also cheated, as this would help us greatly in court," Mrs Porter asked, scribbling away on a notepad, but her intense green eyes were still on me, giving me her full attention. It was an impressive skill.

I shook my head, running a stressed hand through my hair. "I only overheard the conversation, but my parents know about it... however, I can't promise they'll be of any help." My mother would probably rather be caught dead then helping me divorce my wife. A feeling of both anger and hurt stabbed me through the chest at the painful realisation. But there was no time to cry about how my family wouldn't support me. There was nothing new there. 

"As for the cheating, I can't know for sure if she has or hasn't. We just live together and share a child. I couldn't tell you where she goes or what she does, because I honestly haven't been paying attention. I avoid her," I told Gina, my leg bouncing anxiously. "It wouldn't surprise me if she has." 

"What makes you say that?" 

"She loves attention. When we dated during collage, she'd throw a fit if I forgot to call at the end of the day or she'd claim I was being neglectful if we went a while without sex," I let out a humourless laugh. How stupid was I to ignore all the warning signs when they were right in front of me? Other than the fact that she was paid to date me, Renee was just... crazy

Deep down, I knew exactly why I thought I was in love with her, but it was embarrassing and pitiful to admit that well, it was mild childhood trauma. My mom never told me she loved me when I was small. She was never physically affectionate either. My dad was never around, too busy with his business, and when he was, it was to 'coach' Evan and I on how to grow up as successful men in a white collar world. Dog eats dog and all that bullshit. 

So, when Renee came around, hanging off my arm and claiming she loved me, I naturally thought I loved her too because I was desperate for someone, other than my older brother, to pay attention and be affectionate towards me. It just so happened that she was just as bad as the parents who raised me and I didn't realise until it was too late.

"I doubt it's been two years since she's had some sort of sexual contact with another man," I finally concluded with a bitter shrug. 

"Well, we can do two things here. Hire a private investigator, or you yourself can start recording your interactions. Perhaps you can discretely get her to admit that she was paid in the beginning and that she has been sleeping around," Mrs Porter shifted in her chair as she gave me my options. 

"I'll do both, the investigator and my own part," I decided, though I really did not want to have to engage in any sort of altercations with Renee more than I already did. But maybe this would be a chance to expose her for the cow she really was. I was tired of being the only bad guy in this situation to the outside world. 

Cheat [MxM] (Carter Brothers Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now