Chapter 1

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It's been like a few weeks since I showed my identity to my friends and us becoming a team together. Things have been great, I was no longer alone and for once in my life, I finally have friends, ones that are not plants. I mean I don't mind having friends who are plants, but I really wanted friends that are humans like me. And so far my life has been great. But then, I started to wonder if there is anyone out there that has the same abilities like me. I don't know as of right now, maybe there might be, but I'm not sure.

Right now, I was with Barbara on Daddy-Daughter Date Night with her Dad, Jim Gordon.

They both didn't mind that I joined. I just wanted to see what it was like.

Jim put in a DVD and turned on something called, "Princess Pumpkin Pants."

"Princess Pumpkin Pants Heiress to the crown."

Then, Jim and Barbara started singing along even though she was not looking forward to this.

"She's got a grin that's saccharin
And the sweetest in her town."

"Oops, forgot the popcorn. Can't have daddy-daughter date night without popcorn." He said while chuckling.

"No, it's okay, Dad." She said while sighing.

"You have a good dad, Barbara." I said.

"Yeah." She said, but then gave a sad look.

I can tell something is wrong and I'm pretty sure I know what it is. She told me about her past and how much of a jerk that Robin is. So, I placed my hand on her shoulder and said.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't listen to what Robin said to you in the past. He's just a big jerk."

"But what if I can't be Batman's sidekick?" She asked.

"I believe you can, Barbara. Just don't listen to that moron. You're way better than him." I said.

Barbara then smiled and said.

"Thank you, Y/n."

"You're welcome, Barbara." I said and smiled too.

Then all of a sudden, a phone was blaring.

We both looked to see what it was and then we found out that it was the Batphone.

"O-M-Jeepers, is that the Batphone?" She said while squealing.

I forgot to mention that her dad works with Batman.

"Dad! Dad, phone! Dad! Dad, phone!" She said while trying to tell her Dad that the Batphone is ringing, but he couldn't hear her while he was making the popcorn.

"Gordon! Gordon!" I yelled and tried to get his attention too, but it was no use.

I then sighed and said.

"He can't hear us."

Then, I saw Barbara slid down from the couch and was heading towards the Batphone, so I followed her by walking quietly.

Once we got to the Batphone, Barbara decided to change her hairstyle to look more like Jim's.

Then, she picked up the phone and answered it while trying to sound like Jim Gordon.

She grunts at first, but then asks.

"Commissioner Gordon here. What's shaking, Batman?"

We heard Batman speaking indistinctly.

"Uh, could you repeat that, Batman? I'm all old and stuff and my hearing's not so good." She said.

Then, Robin spoke on the phone.

DC Superhero Girls Poison Ivy (Pam Isley) x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now