Chapter 8

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Your eyes flutter open as you wake up, you feel excitement bubble up as you realize what day it is. It's Christmas day, you turn over too Rex, giving him a kiss to wake him.

Today's one of the few times Rex doesn't transform in his sleep, his eyes open as soon as you kiss him. He smiles groggily at you, leaning over and kissing the tip of your nose.

"Merry Christmas, Cyar'ika." You sit up and so does he, you both get changed. You can't wait to give Rex his present, you had it all finished yesterday. You hope he likes it, you're really nervous that he might not like it.

"Come on, the boys are probably out there already waiting for us." Rex grabs your hand once you're finished changing into your regular clothes, he's wearing some civies that you got him. You both walk out of your room, walking through the halls, you make it to the tree and see a lot of troopers there.

"Hey, y/n! Rex!" You turn to see Fives and all the boys sitting on a couch, they have already grabbed all the present's and put them in a pile near them.

"We got a comm from Obi Wan, he's going to bring Gida over later. She hardly slept last night, she was to excited for Santa." You nod at Cody, it brings up memories of waiting for Santa when you were a youngling.

"So does he want us to wait for them?" Rex asks but Cody shakes his head.

"No, he told us to go ahead. Supposedly Gida has presents for all of us to open when she gets here." You and Rex sit down with the boys.

"M-merry Christm-m-mas, y/n. And merry C-Christmas Ori'v-vod." You and Rex both smile at Stutter, he's such a sweetheart.

"Merry Christmas Stutter."

"Merry Christmas Vod'ika." Stutter smiles at the both of you, he's so happy to have everyone here, even if all the troopers aren't sitting right in their area.

"So who opens their presents first." You grab Stutter's presents from the pile, handing it to him.

"Stutter should go first." He blushes a little from being in the spotlight, and grabs the gift. He starts ripping the paper of and a gasp of delight leaves him at what he sees.

"A-An art set! I l-love it so m-much, it's g-got everything I-I needed. Thank y-you so much." You smile at his excitement.

"You welcome Stutter, you deserve it." Everyone else starts giving him gifts, and of course almost all of it is art supplies. Tup gives him some new brushes, while Fives gives Stutter a book of construction flimsy in all the colors of the rainbow.

Jesse gives him a skit that comes with three boxes that he can paint how he wants, and much more from others, including a bunch of pencils, flimsy and crayons curtisy of the 212th.

And last but not least a portrait of Stutter's closest brothers from Rex, including Hardcase and Echo. That makes poor Stutter tear up and he gives Rex a hug, he wipes his tears away and thanks Rex and everyone for the gifts.

"T-Thank you s-so much Ori'vod." Rex smiles sweetly at his Vod'ika, it warms your heart, seeing how close they are.

"No thanks needed, Vod'ika. You deserve everything." Stutter smiles brightly, he still acts like he did when he first got here, young and skittish sometimes. But no one cares, Stutter can act mature on the battlefield but his brothers love letting him act like a kid sometime's like right now.

"So, w-who goes n-next?"

"How about we go youngest to oldest." Everyone nods in agreement with Cody, which means that Tup goes next. Rex stands up and grabs his presents, sitting them beside Tup, he opens the first one from Dogma. It's a bunch of hairstyles, they are multi colored and have different designs and patterns.

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