chapter twenty seven.

Start from the beginning

"Where is he? Do you know where he went?" Taylor pulled clothes out onto the bed. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck fuck. What was she going to do? She didn't know, but she had to do something.
"I don't know specifically but he said New York... it was some quiet bar or something like that - I'm worried about him, Taylor. Don't ever say that I told you that, but I am."
"I'll sort it," Taylor murmured into the phone. "Please don't tell anyone else about this, Patrick. I don't want anyone else to find out."
"I wouldn't dream of it. Don't go putting yourself in danger, will you, Taylor... okay? I'm sure that your security would be able to deal with it..."
"Sorry, Patrick, but I've got to go. I'll call you later."
She couldn't believe it - there was no time to decide what she was going to do, no time to decide whether she was going to involve her security. She couldn't do that - too many people would know about it then. She couldn't tell anyone.
"Mom?" She called down the stairs,
"Yes, honey?"
"I'm really sorry but I'm going to have to leave. I need to get to New York before tonight - Joe needs me." She said as she pulled on some clothes. She didn't even think about what she was wearing, just that she needed to look as normal as humanly possible. She couldn't look like Taylor Swift. She couldn't draw attention to herself.
No one could ever find out about this.

She didn't even pack a bag. She threw her phone into the seat beside her and left. She didn't even know where she was going, all she knew was that she had to get to New York. She hoped then, that she'd be able to see Joe's location on the phone. Surely he wouldn't have thought about that. She was so mad at him for doing this without talking to her, without discussing it with her. She didn't even know what would happen. It really did feel like she was about to break up some seventeenth-century duel. She didn't even know what she was going to do when she got there. She had three hours until she got to New York, and she hoped like hell that she'd make it there in time.
It was odd, considering her situation, that her head felt crystal clear. She didn't have worry or panic creeping in, she was too focused on what she had to do, to fear the dark anymore.

Joe had reached New York by mid-morning and had spent the entire day in his apartment. The Christmas tree was still up, and he smiled when he thought of them, of the people they were a month ago. He hadn't actually hated putting up the tree. He'd loved it. He'd loved being with her.
The day dragged on and he waited. Taylor had tried to phone him several times, but he didn't answer. He wouldn't let her in on this. He wouldn't. He couldn't.
He just had to win this and then she'd be free.

The day slipped away, and before he knew it, he was putting up the hood of his jacket, and leaving to face Adam.

It was the longest drive Taylor had ever taken. It felt as if she'd never get there in time. She didn't even know where she was going once she got there. What had she been planning to do?

Joe arrived. It was an empty building with some sort of bar beside it. He closed his eyes before he got out of the car, only thinking of Taylor. Thinking of her smile, her laugh. Those bruises and that pain. He had to do this. There was no other way.

She raced up the stairs to Joe's apartment, hoping that maybe he was there. Maybe he hadn't left yet, surely. Surely he'd be there and she'd be able to convince him not to go. She'd go to the police again. She'd take the whole thing public. She'd do whatever means necessary to protect him. He'd put her in such a terrible situation - because if anyone found out about her doing this, about what she was going to break up, god. Her career would be nothing.

Adam hadn't arrived yet. Joe was there alone. What had he done? Adam was probably going to turn up with some massive group of people - and they'd kill him. He didn't even get to say goodbye to Taylor. No one knew where he was. No one would find him. He couldn't afford to think like that. He was going to win this fight. Taylor was going to be free. He was going to - he was distracted from his thoughts when the lights turned on.

She was going to make it! She was going to get there in time. Joe hadn't thought to turn off his location, and she was so thankful for that. She saw his car, first. She got out of the car, and she didn't even know what she was going to do. She didn't know what they were even planning on doing.

Adam was standing in front of him, a smirk on his face. "You'd better get ready to say goodbye," He spat.
"Over my dead body would I let that happen, you piece of shit." Joe was furious. Seeing him here, being in his presence... he felt fire gnawing at him.
"You might not have a choice. It was all perfect between Taylor and me before you fucking showed up."
"I'd like to say that I'm fucking sorry, but I'm not." Joe struck him. Patrick had told him to do it when Adam hadn't been suspecting it, and it worked. Adam stumbled backwards a few steps before launching himself at Joe.

What had she planned to do? She didn't have anything on her. She scrambled through the car, trying to find something useful.
"Fuck," she cursed under her breath when she found nothing.
She was Taylor fucking Swift. She closed her eyes. Millions loved her. They all believed in her. She was sure they'd all be disappointed in her for being involved in something like this - or maybe, just maybe, they'd praise her for it.

Joe felt a fist connect with his jaw. It was the first time Adam had been able to make contact with him. Joe had been too fast, too clever. The moves that Patrick had taught him certainly helped. He had a decent shot at this. It helped that Adam had shown up intoxicated. Joe was able to move faster than Adam was. Adam wasn't as practised as he was. He knew how to pack a good punch - he'd had to learn. Those bullies at school didn't fight off themselves.

It was still saying that Joe was here. The place was dark, but she knew that neither of them would be stupid enough to do it in plain sight. It was late, but it wasn't that late. People were still milling about.
That was when she heard it. It was Adam's voice, a gasp. She turned to where she heard the voice coming from, and saw a sliver of light through a doorway. This was it. This was the moment where she had to act.
"Stop!" She yelled out as she burst through the door. "Stop."

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