• 9 • prodding, plotting, and posting

Start from the beginning

Anne wasn't stupid, but she was oblivious.

"Gilbert! You've been spending so much time with him, Anne. Has he said anything about me?"

Anne finally realized what was happening, "Uh, no, not really. We don't talk about that kind of stuff."

Ruby shook her head. How could Anne forget her undying love for Gilbert Blythe? She only accepted them getting so close because she could have Anne help her.

"I need you to talk to him about me!"

Talking to Gilbert about Ruby was the last thing Anne wanted to do.

"Ruby, I don't think that's really the best id-"

"Please!" Ruby took her hands and shook them, "The Take Noice board is back, get him to post for me! He's probably just too shy."

The Take Notice board.

Anne still protested, "Ru-"

"Go ask him now, please Anne." Ruby never sounded so desperate.

Anne felt guilty because she knew what she was doing to her friend by being with Gilbert. But she liked walking with him. Why should she have to give that up?

"Okay, okay I'll go." Anne rushed away from Ruby and up to a very taken back Gilbert.

For a second they just stared at each other without saying a word.


"Gilbert, hi, hey."

"Are you okay?" He touched her arm carefully as a sign of comfort.

His touch only made Anne more nervous. Somehow they could walk and talk for hours, but the second one touched the other, it was overwhelming.


"Did you see the Take Notice board is active again?"

Anne had managed to keep her cool so far.

Gilbert scratched the back of his neck nervously, "Uh, no, I haven't really paid attention to any of that."

Anne felt a huge lump in her throat, "Well...it is."

Why is it so hard to help my friend get a guy?

Because it's Gilbert. That's why.

Gilbert's heart was pounding, "Why are you telling me this?"

Both had grown more fond of each other over the past few weeks. They had gotten closer on each walk and dove deeper into their lives.

Gilbert shared stories about his father and him and Bash on the sea. Anne saw a piece of him that no one else did...probably because they never asked.

Anne talked about how her past shaped her love of books and writing. It was a passion that came out of all the hate she faced. Gilbert heard more about her than anyone had before, including Matthew, Marilla, and even Diana.

Their relationship was transforming into a real friendship. Neither would ever admit it, but they were both starting to feel something more than friendship.

That's why it was so hard to have this conversation.

Anne took a moment to find the right words because she feared saying the exactly wrong thing, "I just wanted you to know there's a way to express your interest in someone without overwhelming them."

Gilbert raised his eyebrows, "Should I have an interest in someone?"

Is this Anne telling me she likes me?

"Do you?"

"What if I did?" He asked boldly.

Is this Gilbert telling me he likes me?

Suddenly, Anne saw Ruby out of the corner of her eye. Ruby was looking at them with sad eyes, almost like she was watching a puppy funeral.

Anne remembered why she had come here. She came to talk to Gilbert for her friend...one of her only good friends too. If Gilbert posted for anyone other than Ruby, she could risk losing Ruby for good.

But she'd be lying if she said she didn't want Gilbert to post for her.

"I-I think if you like Ruby, you should tell her." Anne finally blurted out.

Gilbert's face fell. He assumed Anne was talking about herself. He never intended on posting, but he might have considered it if Anne encouraged him to.

"I don't think posting on a board is really how I want to start a courtship." Gilbert watched Anne's expression change, but he couldn't tell what it meant. She was undeniably hard to read.

What was Anne's expression? Even she didn't know. She felt happy that Gilbert didn't seem to like Ruby but sorry for her friend. She was conflicted about his response about the board because part of her wanted him to post for her. But, he did have a point. Was a good relationship meant to start on a pin board?

Anne didn't know what to say, so she nodded and walked away.

Gilbert didn't move until Miss Stacy walked into the room and asked the class to settle down.

Anne didn't have time to apologize to Ruby, so she mouthed a 'sorry' before sitting in her seat. She turned quickly to Diana because the last thing Anne wanted to see was Ruby's reaction.

Anne was grateful class would begin and hoped the school day would wipe away any awkwardness from the morning. She wanted thing between her and Gilbert to stay as they were.

A wrench was thrown in her plan when Miss Stacy announced, "It's time for dance practice!"



Wishing you all the best <3

- K

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