Lillies Stream, Part four

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Lillies Pov:

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Lillies Pov:


I decided to go live in the morning but I realized that I went from 600 followers to 20k threw the night. Ranboo is too nice I seriously didn't want him to tell others my account but he did so I do have to deal with it. I am so thankful for him he is such a good guy. I started the stream.

"Hello!! Hi guys and new followers from Ranboo!! "

I sat reading chat for a bit then decided we were going to play Minecraft.

"Oh by the way new people please do not donate! I don't like others sending me their money when I have plenty please take your money and donate it to a good cause! "

I played for a bit and looked at chat and saw Ranboo saying hi.

"Hello Ranboo!! Thank you for all the new followers seriously I didn't think I would gain that much from you saying to follow me honestly but thank you!! "

Ranboos chat: can we join a vc and chat while you play? :)

"Oh yeah of course! Just let me call you real quick. "


"Hello Lillie! " -R

"Hi! " -L

"How was your night? " -R

"It was good how about you? " -L

"It was good! Thank you for asking. " -R

"Yeah of course! Is there something you wanted or did you just want to talk? " -L

"Uh both. " -R

"What's up? " -L

"Wanna play sky wars or make a survival world together? " -R

"Ooo let's make a world together!! " - L

"Okay let me hop on! "-R

I talked to chat for a bit while waiting for Ranboo to get on.

"You make it Lillie. " -R

"Okay uh also chat is saying that you should stream. " -L

"Not right now I'm gonna stream the smp later. " -R

"Chat you heard him. " -L

"Haha I'm gonna tweet that I'm with you right now. " -R

"No don't do that! I don't need more viewers I'm good. I think Riley is good too since he's the only mod I have. " -L

"Poor Riley why don't you have more mods? " -R

"Well Alyssa is a mod but she's watching TV in the living room right now. " -L

"Ah so your hard to gain trust with? " -R

"Pretty much. " -L

"Well then. I'm joining now by the way. " -R

"Okay. I'm getting wood. " -L

After awhile we made a house and got a few diamonds and Alyssa walking in.

"Hey Lillie-" I shut my mic off so ranboo and chat couldn't hear us.

"Yeah? " -L

"Can we play Minecraft or something? " -A

"Uh me and ranboo are on right now one second I'll ask if you can join. " -L

I unmuted my mic.

"Hey ranboo? " -L

"Welcome back, what's up? " -R

"Alyssa wants to know if she can join. " -L

"Yeah of course. " - R

"Okay Alyssa go get on. " -L

"Ok." -A

Alyssa joined the call and we played for a bit longer.

"I'm thinking about ending stream. " -L

"How many viewers do you have? " -A

"I haven't even looked in a while. Uh.. Oh. " -L

"What? " -R

"Ranboo did you seriously tweet about it when I told you no? " -L

"Yes. Yes I did. " -R

"There's 23k viewers. " -L

"Heyyyy famous Lillie. " -A

"Oh Lord. Uh. Bye chat bye guys thank you for 20k followers by the way it means a lot!! " -L

"Bye Lills chat!! " -A

"Lillie how tall are you? " -R

"Uh ik 5'5 why? " -L

"Lol short potato. " -R

"Oh gosh no please. " -L

"Yes new nickname. " -R

"Bye chat!! I have to deal with giraffe now. " -L

"Hey I am not a giraffe! " -R

this broadcaster has stopped streaming.

"You definitely are. " -L

"Am not. " -R

"What are we gonna do now? " -L

"Well we can just grind and get netherite stuff. " -R

"Yeh." -A

"Kk." -L

We did some mining and stuff off camera and got netherite pickaxes and swords.

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