"So today we will be talking about Stephen kings writing." His voice boomed throughout the room making Louis get butterflies.

As Harry spoke about Stephen king, Louis marvelled in the sight of Harry in his suit, his white shirt was only buttoned up half way so you could see a few of his tattoos and his trousers were definitely way too tight in Louis' opinion. Harry's eyes suddenly scanned the crowd making Louis sink in his seat so he wouldn't be seen, Lilly looked at him confusedly. "Lucas? What are you doing?" She whispered.

"Uhh hiding." Louis replied as Emma and Tanner leant forward to listen to their conversation.

"Why take this course if you don't want to answer the questions?" Tanner asked and Louis just shrugged as he kept his body slumped in his chair.

Kevin put his hand up and and Harry chose him to answer his question and as Kevin started talking Louis relaxed and sat up slightly.

"Something tells me you're not a student here." Emma said as she eyed Louis suspiciously and raised her eyebrows.

"And why do you say that?" Louis questioned with a confident tone though really he was freaking out on the inside as he moved in his seat uncomfortably.

"Well you don't have your student ID or any of your books." She said with a sassy tone and Louis rolled his eyes before turning to look at her.

"Maybe I left my ID in my dorm and I am a slacker who doesn't care about this class and is only here for professor hottie." Louis smirked as Emma crossed her arms over her chest.

"I doubt that." She shot back.

"Well I'm offended you think I'm lying." Louis faked a hurt face as he checked his phone and and saw that the class was ending soon. He was about to turn his phone off when Zayn text him, making his phone chirp and echo throughout the whole room as Harry stopped talking and frowned.

"Hand it over." Harry said as his eyes scanned the room and he stood with his arms over his chest. Louis sighed and knew that it was over, he had messed up and now he couldn't continue to come into Harry's lectures and listen to him teach. He was about to stand up when one of the jocks a few rows behind stood up and shamefully walked to the front of the room before heading his phone to a disappointed looking Harry who mumbled something under his breath, before looking back up. "Right, everyone make sure your phones are off for my classes otherwise you can get out and not waste my time by having to take your phone away."

"Technically, you don't have to take our phones away." Lexi smirked and leant back in their chair as everyone's eyes widened.

"Take some time out my class lexi, if you're going to try and outsmart me again then you can swap classes." Harry deadpanned as Lexi rolled their eyes and walked out the room with their bag in their hand. "Anybody else want to leave my class?" He asked as the room stayed silent. "Good."

Louis would be lying if Harry being strict and slightly dominant didn't turn him on, Louis was the top but he wouldn't mind Harry being a power bottom if he wanted.

Louis was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even realise the bell had gone until Lilly was tapping his arm. "Lucas, class is over."

He smiled and stood up before walking out of class with Lilly, Emma and Tanner. He successfully got out the room without Harry seeing him and stopped by the lockers. "Hey Lucas, we're going to the coffee shop, do you want to come?" Lilly asked as she moved closer to Louis and smiled up at him.

"Uhh I can't, I've got to get to work. Maybe another time." Louis said.

"Oh okay, see you later." Lilly smiled and walked out the doors with her friends leaving Louis alone outside Harry's room. He took a deep breath before walking back inside.

"Babe?" Louis called as he saw Harry who looked up and smiled.

"Hey Lou, aren't you supposed to be at work?" He asked as he stood up from his desk and walked over to Louis.

"Uhh I woke up late again so Zee just gave me the first the few hours off." Louis lied as he handed the papers to Harry. "And you forgot these."

"Oh thanks love. I keep forgetting everything recently." Harry sighed as he sat down on the edge of the desk and Louis walked closer and Harry put his hands on Louis' hips.

"It's alright, I know you're stressed because the finals are coming up soon." Louis said as Harry rubbed circles on Louis' hips. "So how about tonight after work, you have a relaxing night with your amazing husband and we can order takeout and watch films."

Harry smiled as Louis leant down and kissed Harry's lips. "That sounds lovely." He smiled as Louis ran a hand through Harry's hair.

"Alright, I've gotta go." Louis sighed and stepped away from Harry.

"Bye, love. See you at home." Louis smiled at his husband before speedily walking out of the building.


Louis was sat on the couch when he heard the front door open and Harry call out. "I'm home."

Harry slipped his coat and shoes off before walking into the living room to see Louis sat on the couch with a few films in front of him. "How was work?" Harry asked as he sat down next of Louis and put his arm on the back of the couch.

"Ehh despite having to listen to a 30 year old man complain for 25 minutes, it was alright." Louis laughed a little as he looked back at the films. "I ordered Chinese, I hope that's alright and these are the films we can chose from."

"Chinese is great, thanks love." Harry smiled and kissed Louis' temple before looking at the films, there was: The lion king, 10 things I hate about you, Harry Potter, the notebook, the perks of being a wallflower and holding the man. "Can we watch the lion king and then holding the man?" Harry asked as he moved further into Louis side.

"Sure, darling." Louis smiled and wrapped his arm around Harry before kissing the top of his head. "I love you." Louis whispered as he put on the the lion king.

"I love you too." Harry whispered back as he relaxed into Louis' warmth.

Louis was happy and it was all because of Harry.


Professor Styles - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now