Chapter 11: within The halls

Start from the beginning

Soejammy: That should calm her down..

Having no choice Soejammy carries Neptune giving her a piggyback ride.

Soejammy: Alright let's go.

At the room....

Noire opens the door for Soejammy as he takes Neptune to the couch as everyone is alarmed.

Krillin: What happened?

Soejammy: I'm not very sure, I think she saw something and it's only her who can see it. She was probably hallucinating but it was serious.

Vert: yeah, it was like we looked like monsters to her.

Gohan: that's serious.

Soejammy gently lies her down  the couch.

Corvus goes to her as he checks her.

Corvus: hmm she'll be fine she just needs some rest.

Soejammy sighs in relief.

Shiro: thank goodness

Corvus: I apologize, if I hadn't thought of sending any one us there this wouldn't of happened.

Soejammy: no it's ok..I should've made everyone leave sooner.

Gohan: Did you guys encounter any monsters?

Soejammy: no..but

Soejammy looks at Noire who didn't look like she was interested in talking about what happened earlier as she looked elsewhere.

Krillin tapped Gohan's shoulders letting him know  now's probably not a good time to talk about it as he nodded.

Vert from time to time watched Neptune as she was asleep. She looked at the blue crystal necklace around her neck that soejammy put there.

Vert: um Soejammy?

Soejammy:Yes Vert?

Vert:  What kind of necklace did you put around Neptune, judging by how it instantly calmed down Neptune it's no ordinary necklace.

Soejammy: Its a special necklace I got from my parents. It's a smokey Quartz necklace. It came with a card which gave info about it. Said to neutralize negative vibrations, disperses fear,depression and any other negative emotion as it promotes calmness.

Vert: oh

Vert said understanding about its features.

Noire overheard  Soejammy's explanation.

Noire: So that explains why she calmed down.

Soejammy: yeah, good thing I had it with me otherwise I  would've feared the worse.

Noire: yeah....

Soejammy:I don't get what's going on.


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