Logan x Crofters

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Logan being himself was walking around the empty Mindpalace. He was carrying a jar of his favorite flavor of Crofters and was eating some. Then he saw someone in the distance and it confused him cause he figured it was a new side. Logan walked towards the figure to figure out it was a male with red hair and a jacket that looked similar to the label of a Crofters jar

 Logan walked towards the figure to figure out it was a male with red hair and a jacket that looked similar to the label of a Crofters jar

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Logan was shocked then they turned to face him.

"Um....hello, my name is Logan" Logan said introducing himself

"Hi, my name is Crofters" The figure said softly with a smile

What will happen next?

(I prefer to be Logan but I can be Crofters)
(Disclaimer: The art isn't mine but the idea is)

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