The Bubbler part 1

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 It was a sunny morning in Paris as the two friends sat on the steps of their school chatting.

" it's so sunny today." you said covering your eyes. The redhead sitting next to you looked up to the sky.

"I guess." he looked back at you," where are we going to eat today."

"I was thinking about that small café that just opened up down the street."

"That sounds good." he said looking away.

"Do you want to eat somewhere else?" you said placing your head on your hand.

" No I'm fine with that." he said looking back at you quickly.

" Then why did you look away like that?" you raised your eyebrow.

" It's just they're a little loud." he said looking back at Nino and Adrien talking. You followed his gaze and looked at the duo. You guys listened to their conversation for a while hearing about how Adrien's father won't let him have a party for his birthday.

" maybe we should invite him to go eat with us." you said looking at Nathaniel

" I don't know, I mean we barely know him won't it be awkward?"

" I guess but what's a better way to get to know someone than to invite them out to eat." you said smiling as he sighed.

" I don't know." he looked back at Adrien

" come on i mean we should make some more friends and this could be a great way to make some." he looked back at you.

"Fine but you have to ask him." you nodded turning back to see Chloe kissing the blonde boy's cheek before walking away from him. You gathered all the courage you had before standing up and walking over to the boy. You tapped his shoulder as he turned around.

"Adrien right." you held out your hand as he shook it.

" That's me." he said

"My names y/n. Me and my friend over there couldn't help but overhear that it's your birthday today." you said pulling your hand back," we were wondering if you wanted to come out to eat with us after school. uh we're going to the new café that opened down the road." he looked at you then at Nino who gave him a thumbs up. He smiled before turning back to you.

"That would be great, though I might be a little late."

" that's fine," you took a small piece of gum wrapper from your pocket and quickly wrote your phone number before giving it to you," Just text me when you're done and I'll send you the location." you smiled as a car honked at Adrien.

"I got to go," he said before running to the car stopping at the door "i'll see you later."

" of course." you said nodding at him as he got in and the car drove away. The bell rang as you ran back to your bag and into the school.

<time skip>

You and Nathaniel sat in the small café waiting for your potential friend to arrive. Looking out the window you saw the blonde boy looking around. You smiled and hit the window and started waving at him. He looked at you before heading into the store. He walked over to your table as you got up and hugged him.

"I'm so glad you're here." you said pulling out the hug." come on sit." you said sitting down and tapping the seat next to you. He sat down and picked up the menu in front of him. You guys sat in awkward silence for a little.

" So Adrien what do you do in your free time?" you asked.

" I do fencing, I model." he looked at you." I also play the piano." you gasped.

" you play the piano!" you smiled widely." I've always wanted to play the piano but I'm to lazy too." you said grabbing his hands.

" What songs can you play?" Nathaniel asked, taking a sip of his drink.

" Well I know flight of the bumblebee, Fur Elise, moonlight sonata and many more." he said scratching the back of his neck.

" Can you play Merry go round in life?" you asked


" have you watched Howl's Moving Castle?"

"No, I've never watched it." you gasped at what he said. you looked at Nathaniel who chuckled a little at your actions.

" you've never watched it." he shook his head.

" here she goes again." Nathaniel said.

" are you free next Saturday?" you grabbed Adrien's hands

"Why? He said

" she wants you to have movie night so you can watch it." Nathaniel stated as you nodded.

" oh," Adrien looked down at his phone. "I think I'm free." you smiled.

" That's great, so would you like to have a movie night!" you asked.

" I would like that."

" Then it's a date." you said making yourself a note in your phone.

<time skip>

You guys sat and chatted for a while finding out that you guys had some things in common. Nathaniel and You had decided to walk him home.

" wow your house is huge." you said as you and Nathaniel gaped at the white mansion that stood in front of you.

" Thanks for inviting me out today." Adrien said

" It's no problem, I hope you had a good time."

"I did." he said, " I guess I should get going, bye." Adrien said, walking into his house.

You and Nathaniel said goodbye to him before heading the way you houses were. You both walked in a comfortable silence till you guys said goodbye before going your own ways. You walked to your apartment building and headed to the elevator. You pressed the button labeled 5 and waited till the door closed. You watched the number go up and walked out when the door opened. You walked into your apartment hearing the sizzling of the pans in the kitchen.

"I'm home!" you said locking the door and placing your bag on the floor. You walked to the kitchen seeing your brother doing homework at the table and your mom making dinner.

" what are you making?" you asked

"I'm making spaghetti." she said." So how was your outing with Nathaniel?"

"It was fun we invited our classmate Adrien to come with us and we found out we had a lot in common."

" that's good."

" also I invited him to a movie night next Saturday."

" I'm glad you're making friends." she said placing the food in bowls as you guys heard a scream. you guys rushed to the windows as you guys saw bubbles carrying people. You guys quickly locked the windows and closed the blinds your mother picked up your brother and ran to the living room with him. You ran to all the rooms making sure the windows were closed. After finishing checking the windows you heard your phone ring. You picked it up.


" Y/n if you get a message to come to Adrien's house don't answer there is a villain here." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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