A new friend...?

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"WAIT WAIT WAIT- WHAT!?!?" Lexi screamed as loud as she could. Kyle flinched and sighed, "the kids that went missing around the property haunt the animatronics" Kyle said again with another sigh. "Don't you think that's a little much just drop on someone like that!!!" Lexi screamed waving her arms in the air. "Well look I-" "who's that...?" Lexi jumped when she heard the new voice that had entered the room. "Who's there!?" Lexi forced herself not to scream at the new comer. "This is Lexi, Lexi this is Lulu the Fennec Fox" Kyle said slowly and calmly. "Lulu the Fennec Fox..." Lexi  echo slowly walking towards the spot where she heard Lulu last. "That's me" Lulu said before walking right up in front of Lexi. "Are you the new nightguard??" Lulu asked staring up into her pale eyes. "Um- yeah... yeah I am" Lexi said but she was unsure herself if she was going to stay especially after what she was just told. Lexi reached her hands forward, it took her a second to realize how much sorter Lulu was compared to her. Once her hands finally found Lulu's face she began Stroking his fur and tracing all of his details.

Lulu had a sort jaw, long ears, and very fluffy fur. To Lexi's surprise after a few minutes of her feeling his face Lulu grabbed her wrists and started to snuggle his head into her hands purring. "Heh he loves cuddling and pets" Kyle said coming up next to Lexi. "I can tell" Lexi said while she moved one of her hands and moved it to the top of his head and scratched it. "Are.... are you a new friend....?" Lulu asked sounding scared of her saying no. 

"I..." Lexi didn't know what her answers was. She knew that this information should be brought to the police so they could take care of everything but on the other hand she was scared what they would do to them. If what Kyle had told her was true than Lulu and the others were nothing more than little kids, what people would do to them just to get answers of how their like this.... how much they would hurt them. 

"Yes I am a new friend" Lexi said after a few seconds of thinking about it. She couldn't- she wouldn't do that to theses kids she wouldn't hurt them like that. "YES!!" Lulu yelled happily jumping forward hugging her waist. "A NEW FRIEND!!" Lulu yelled hugging her tightly. Lexi chuckled and hugged him back and even thought she was blind she could feel Kyle smiling at her. "YOU HAVE TO MEET THE OTHERS!!" Lulu yelled letting go of her waist, grabbed her hand and ran out of the office basically dragging her behind him. "H-HEY WAIT FOR ME!" Kyle yelled while laughing and ran after the two.

Once they left the office Lily the snake, that was listening in on the Conversation started to pace on the desk. "Uh-oh... Mr. Dice is going to be so pleased with this... you should have left when you got the chance Lexi.... you have no idea what danger you just put yourself in..." Lily sighed and jumped off the desk. She didn't want Lexi to get hurt, even though she never met her before she didn't want another persons death because of her but she couldn't lie to Mr. Dice but she didn't want him to hurt her friends again because she won't tell him the truth. She had no choice, she could only pray that Lexi was smarter than she looked. Lily walked to the vent in the office and jumped into it, it was the fastest way to the basement in her opinion. When she finally got to the basement she saw Dice's box immediately, it was teal and light gray matching the colors of the puppet inside of the box. To the side of the box was several animatronic snakes similar to Lily but one of them was heavily damaged. The heavily damaged snake's name was Zoey and Zoey was the result of what happens when you lie to Mr. Dice that's why Lily had to tell him about Lexi so he won't hurt her or any of the others again. 

The snakes were too small to be able to defend themselves from the bigger, stronger puppet all they could do was hope that the other animatronics save them one day or that Jester will finally come back for them. Jester was their performance partner but Dice.... he did something horrible to Jester and stole the snakes from Jester. Jester was like an older brother to the snakes and he was the best performance partner in the world the snakes said no matter what he said, but when Dice hurt him the snakes felt defenseless without him, they felt so much more smaller than they actually were. "Welcome back darling~" Lily jumped and looked up at the intimidating puppet. "H-hello M-M-Mr. D-Dice" Lily stuttered. "Well~ what did you find out?" Dice said glaring down at her. "Well-

Ha jokes on you To Be Continued

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