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              (  ZERG QUEEN )

JYN started to stretch her tired limbs after she’s done with her work, she grabbed the apple juice on her working table and started to take a sip. It was already midnight and JYN was in no mood to take a bath even with her oily hair and body that has not been bathed for three consecutive days. Anyway, she hasn’t gone out that much and always spend her time coop up in her home. As a web novel author, with a laptop at her disposal all her work can be done at home, not to mention as a 22years old single dog she didn’t need to dress up for anyone. She should really thank the heaven for her always able to look neat and tidy face even when she dressed up shabbily like her shabby dress right now.

JYN got up and walked towards her bed and immediately slump on her bed.


Suffocation….. a stifling suffocation of being enclosed in a narrow room, that’s what JYN currently felt right now. Did she suffocate herself with her blanket again? JYN lowly curse trying to pry open the blanket but when she stretched her hand she came in contact with a tangible liquid … no her whole body was in contact with that mucus like thing.

Alarmed JYN quickly opened her eyes but what met her was not the bed lamp that she always let it on but a complete darkness. Utter darkness. With such darkness JYN senses heightened.
she could clearly feel the tangible liquid enveloping her. Where is she? Is she still dreaming? JYN quickly pinch herself QAQ it hurts!

Its not a dream! With such mucus-like surrounding her coupled with the complete darkness and the narrow spaced, a worse possible case submerged from JYN mind. H-has she been swallowed by some monster!?
(T o T) she must be one of the most pitiful transmigrator among fellow transmigrator. Actually JYN was so traumatised that she failed to think on why she could still breathe even when she is surrounded or submerged in a mucus.

Some people transmigrate to a TIANXIA or something like that, even if they transmigrate to a waste body though it was actually a very OP body as the life of the transmigrator goes on… that’s not the point! The main point is at least they transmigrate in an open space albeit in a shabby hut. But she….. JYN want to express that she does not want to think further. Comparision just add salt to her already wounded heart.

Toughening her mind JYN want to express that she cannot die like this.
(,o D o),

She started pushing the ‘monster’ inside wall with a great amount of force but unexpectantly JYN found out that the ‘wall’ seem to be a weak ‘wall’ because a crack started to appear. Through the crack a light sprinkle in and JYN started to push even harder. When JYN finally able to escape the ‘wall’ she realised that she was not at all stuck in a monster stomach but inside an EGG. JYN want to express that she was 3 part shock and 7 part glad.
She quickly started to check herself whether she is in an animal form. To her much relief JYN found that she was in a ‘human’ body, there was a small pond near the egg and JYN quickly make her way to check her appearance.

She looks like a sixteen to eighteen years old teenager, her facial feature does not change at all just that she look much younger than her 22 years old self.

After much contemplation and a round of serious checking on whether she has any animal feature in her body like a tail, horn etc… JYN was finally able to come into a conclusion that she does not has any. Quite a pity though, at least a tail would be alright so that she wont need to used her hand but just used her tail to grab things.

After a serious of check up JYN finally realize that she was in Adam and Eve suit.

Just as she was about to look around for things that could cover her up a splitting headache slam on her, the pain was too much so much so that she fainted directly. Because of the severe mind impact a short spiritual link established throughout the entire zerg race announcing clearly to the countless zerg in different galaxy that their Queen was born and now that their Queen was in pain.

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