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My name is Y/n, I am a new student at Metropolis High School and I have powers to control plants, but I chose to keep it hidden from people because I didn't want to be called a freak because people thought I was crazy.

I live at my house somewhere in Metropolis and it has a greenhouse with plants in it and I use a watering system on them everyday to keep them healthy because I really care about them.

Today was my first day at school, so I got off the bus and headed inside and tried to act like a normal person.

So far, my first day at school has been going good and I met five girls there. I met Barbara Gordon, Kara Danvers, Karen Beecher, Zee Zatara, and Jessica Cruz. Then, during lunch period, the cafeteria started to have a food fight and I tried to avoid it until one of the foods hit me in the head and then I started to participate in it.

But then, the principal named Mr. Chapin came in and stopped the food fight and brought me and the five girls to detention. During our time there, we met Diana Prince who is Wonder Woman there.

Her and Kara were fighting and I was just sitting there in my seat not doing anything, but watching them, because I didn't want to get into more trouble on my first day.

Then, Zee told everyone the principal was coming and they tried to clean up the room quickly, while me and Zee were still sitting down in our seats. The principal was almost in the room and Zee did a spell quickly and the room was restored.

He was now in the room and we were all in our seats while smiling.

"Everything all right in here?" He asked.

"Mmm-hmm. Yes, Mr. Chapin." Zee said.

"All right. Good. I, um, forgot my keys." He said and then grabs his keys and leaves while closing the door.

I sighed in relief.

"That was close. Thank you Zee." I said.

"You're welcome." She said.

"A-ha! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew you were super. I knew it the minute I saw you dent that car door because no ordinary person could possibly slam a door that hard. And then when you spilled all those weird metal thingies on the bus, I knew there was something going on with you, too. And then you, all of a sudden, had your backpack, and I was like, "That's weird." And then I overheard you talking to that cute boy about some Corps thing and some ring and I knew something was up, so I decided to start a food fight so that we all get detention together, which totally worked. And then you, I wasn't planning on you showing up at all. So that's just like a huge bonus anyway. My plan was that you'd all keep fighting once we got to detention and all get so worked up that you'd be forced to reveal that you're super and guess what, so am I! The one and only Batgirl." Barbara said.

"Great! Another cosplayer." Kara said.

"Huzzah! At last. A sister-in-arms. Never had I dreamed I would encounter the warrior spirit of an Amazon upon entering the world of man. For you see, it is my quest, my crusade, my destiny, to bring the Amazon way of peach and prosperity to man's world, and to rid it of all evil. The gods bestowed this honor upon me and I feared I alone should have to carry my burden. But now... Now I have a sister by my side." Diana said.

Barbara gasps.

"No, no, no, no. Five sisters and a brother." She said.

"Uh, nope, I use my powers, I get in trouble. Every single time." Kara said.

"Not me. I'm not fighting anyone." Jessica said.

Zee chuckles.

"Sorry. I'm an artiste. Not a police officer." She said.

DC Superhero Girls Poison Ivy (Pam Isley) x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now