The blonde blinked hard, blinking a few more times, "It's so bright," She looked into the sky squinting. Isaac and Scott shared a brief look, it was night. Lydia looked to the sky quietly, tears falling quickly. She looked in the direction Aimee was looking in, seeing a mass amount of stars above Beacon Hills.

A tear dropped from Isaac's cheek to Aimee's, "You're crying," She breathed in a shallow breath, "Don't, please."

His mouth was dry, "You're dying," He told her, "Don't leave me."

With her left arm, she lifted it slowly before touching Isaac's cheek wiping the tears away, "I'll be okay."

"Dead isn't what I'd define as okay," Isaac mumbled before placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

Aimee's head picked up slightly, using the last of her energy she smiled. A small laugh escaped her lips.

Isaac sniffled, "What's funny?"

"I love all of you," She wanted one last look at her friends, her family. Tears fell down her cheeks. She could feel it happening.  Her insides shutting down, the air becoming less and less in her lungs, "Make sure you catch that bastard," She told Scott knowing that Lydia and Isaac would be out of comission for a while due to her death. Little did she know, Allison's death rocked the group as well, "P-promise me," Her eyes shut as she began to stutter.

Scott grabbed her hand, squeezing it, "I promise."

Lydia clenched her teeth hearing the voices tell her Aimee's name over and over, "Aimes," Lydia sniffled, "I love you and you better tell," a sob racked through her body as she saw Aimee's completely limp body, "Tell Hayley we said Hi."

Aimee's lips parted slightly as if she was going to say something. Everyone's breathing hitched as Lydia let out a scream. The scream of death mixed with the crying.

The wolves didn't even cover their ears. Scott's head was rolling and Isaac stared at his dead girlfriend in his arms. His whole world shattered in front of him.


Aimee stood in a place that she had never been before. It was beautiful, a tree as big as the sky in front of her, the sky, an emerald green. The water ran around her, she stood on an island connected by small bridges. Flowers went for as long as she could see. The place gave her a feeling of euphoria that she had never felt before. She was at peace.

A hand gently touched her shoulder, making her look away from the scene at hand, "Mom?" Her heart cracked as the two pulled each other in for a hug, "Is Dad here? Hayley?"

"Your sister is, but your father. He was human. He is at peace in the Earth that we protect," The two pulled away, "I am so proud of you."

"Me to, kiddo," Hayley poked at her sisters arm, "Our reunion can wait though," Hayley looked to their mother who nodded softly, "We are the protectors of the Earth. We wield the elements that mother nature provides."

Aimee nodded, "Yes, I had air. You had fire."

"And I controlled fire as well," Their mother put in, "After we pass, we become one with our element." Aimee looked at her mother confused, "It takes a great deal of power but we are able to conjure ourself out of our element to help protect the earth from any dangers."

"So we never really die?" Aimee asked looking down at her hands.

Hayley nodded, "This is our resting place but if need be, we can return to the world of living to help."

Aimee frowned, "Why didn't you reach out?"

"Because my darling," Her mother patted her head, "Fire elements need mass amounts of fire to be able to conjure out of. You simply need wind."

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