"They are not." Dumbledore interrupted Severus as he entered the room. Everyone turned to face him and a particularly displeased McGonagall as they stood in the doorway.

"Professor Dumbledore. Professor McGonagall..." Harry greeted them both in shame.

"Headmaster, these boys have flouted the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry. As such..." Severus called respectfully, as he pointed to the two boys.

"I'm well aware of our bylaws, Severus, having written more than a few myself. However, as Head of Gryffindor House, it is for Professor McGonagall to determine the appropriate action."

"We'll go and get our stuff," Ron said sadly ad he stared at the teachers.

"What are you talking about, Mr. Weasley?" McGonagall questioned the sad read-haired boy.

"Well, you're going to expel us, aren't you?" Ron said as he cast his gaze down on the floor.

"Not today, Mr. Weasley," McGonagall said a smile almost coming to her lips.
Ron smiled and looked to Harry who shared the same look of quiet joy.

"But I must impress upon both of you the seriousness of what you have done. I will be sending owls to both of your families tonight. And you will each get detention." McGonagall finished sternly. Both boys turned their gazes back to shape who shot them a look of pure hate. Honey watched this dispute in discomfort. She wasn't sure what she was there for, other than to watch awkwardly.

"Splendid. Now, I suggest we return to the feast. There's a delicious-looking custard tart I want to sample." Dumbledore said cheerfully as he exited the room. Honey wasn't sure if he just was unfazed by the situation or was trying to lighten it but she was had for the distraction he had left with. Honey stood near the doorway just as looking towards the floor just as Filch left. She was avoiding harmful glare of the man but instead she watched as an envelope fell from the man's pocket. She quickly bent down to retrieve the letter for him. "Mr. Filch. You dropped this" Honey said sweetly while attempting to hand the letter back to the filthy man. Filch turned to face her, as soon as he saw the envelope he seemed embarrassed. He marched quickly to Honey and snatched the letter from her hand, and then stuffed it into his pocket. After that, the man quickly jogged off. Honey giggled slightly at the odd man before turning again to face Harry.

"What are you waiting for. Get out of my office!" Severus sneered down at the two boys who happily obliged and quickly scurried out of his office.

"You didn't have to be so hard on them you know, they don't try to get into trouble." Honey said taking a seat on a small chair in her father's office.

"Yes, I do. Don't you see their trouble affects you! Now I would never ask you to stay away from your brother, but I will say I would prefer it if they didn't put your life in danger again this year with their recklessness." Severus said returning to his desk seat tiredly and rubbing his forehead.

"I know last year put a lot of stress on your father, and I'm sorry for that but it was my fault you know how stubborn I can be. You don't need to blame Harry for that." Honeybsaid rising from her chair.

"Now enough of this!" Honey said in a voice that mocked her fathers.  Severus raised an unapproving eyebrow at her and she giggled.

"We left a perfectly good dinner and I would prefer not to go to bed hungry." Honey said trying to coax her father out of his office. Severus rolled his eyes at his chipper daughter, sometimes he wasn't sure if she ever understood the seriousness of a situation, but he chose to ignore this thought and slowly he followed her back to the Great hall where they finished their meal and then helped clean up. Once everything was clean and all the students had returned to their common rooms Honey knew it would soon be time for her to again face the sorting hat. The mere thought made Honey's hands feel sweaty. Honey turned to face her father hoping for some sort of reassurance, or comfort. Luckily for Honey, he could do just that. Not big smiling or hugging her like she would assume most parents would do for their child, no he gave her a soft nod and with that, he turned away and walked to Dumbledore who whispered something into his ear. Dumbledore turned to face her and smiled. Honey returned his smile and slowly walked to stand next to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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