Waning Crescent

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---Camilla's Pov---

I finally was home after a long shift in the hospital, I was so tired that I didn't even change clothes I just laid on the sofa and went to sleep. I probably woke up at 3 in the morning, I knew that I will soon go to the hospital too yet again to work an extended shift. Honestly, I didn't even know why I put myself through this, not only is my mental health deteriorating slowly, I haven't even eaten properly ever since Luz left for camp.

"That's why you are doing this, for Luz"

Ever since his father did those outrageous things to her, she has escaped to fantasy more and more often. I don't think they are bad or anything, on the contrary, I think it is wonderful but those fantasies are becoming too real for Luz, she needs to understand that fantasy is fantasy and reality is reality. 

"God, Luz is surely going to hate me for sending her to that camp"

"I would never hate you for it"

I heard the voice of Luz coming from the kitchen, I was surprised to have heard her voice but I knew that was impossible I was just hallucinating. For some reason, I wanted to see if maybe, just maybe that was actually Luz... or I am going insane. I got up from the couch and walk into the kitchen, I try to turn on the light but I couldn't.

"Is there a blackout? I can't see anything"

I remain silent for a while in order to see if I actually heard her voice but there was no response, just silence. I breathe in and really thought of just staying home in order to rest and try to not go insane. I slowly made my way to my room in the pitch dark.

"When are the lights coming back? I can't see for shit!!"

"Now, now, watch your vocabulary"


"Yes, mother"

"Okay, I have gone insane. I can hear Luz voice when I know she isn't here"

Something grabs my hands. "You have not gone insane"

"Luz!? Are you actually here!?"

"Yes, I have come to take you with me"

"Take me? Luz, what are you talking about?"

Luz guides me to the couch and sits me down. "You don't look well, have you been eating properly?"

"Ah, no I... kinda always forget to eat. I come home tired"

"That's not good"

"Yeah, it... it really isn't"

"Say, mami, what would you say if I told you I could take you away from all this?"

"Honey, I still need to provide for you at least until you are old enough"

"Mami, I am glad you think of me but what I am offering is a way of living that would require nothing from you"

"I am glad you think for my well being but... is still not the time for you to take care of me"

There was silence but I knew she was thinking she was rubbing her fingers in my hand. I am really wondering if this is not a dream, one that is testing my resolve to take care of Luz as a single mother. 

"Mami, I will show what I am talking about, please don't be scared"

"I would never, I will always love you"

The light came on, I was blinded for a moment. When my eyes adjusted to the lights, I saw my daughter wearing formal clothes!! I was so excited, maybe the camp really works and she can now live in reality.

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